Are supplements at stores like GNC really necessary to get in great shape?


May 21, 2008
Seems everyone i know is loading up on tons of pills and powders of things i cant even pronounce saying you need it to lose weight or gain muscle or anything. Even my cousin who's a personal trainer talks about loading up on it. My brother downs em like crazy. They are so damn expensive too! I hate the idea of pills and powders but at the same time im getting the mind set that without them i cant have the body i've been working for nearly half a year now. So are these things really that necessary?
necessary? no but they can help
The best thing is a good diet then whey protein and creatine.
maybe a multi vitamin
after that the other stuff may help but its like throwing darts.
and nothing works if you dont train hard.
Proper diet is the best thing for gaining/losing weight.Whey is a good quick digesting source of protein.Beta Alanine and creatine is pretty good for aiding in recovery.
It's unnecessary and the ingredients to those things are crap. Your better off eating a cup of grilled chicken than a cup of those powder things (Which are made out of whey half the time. Nice, eh?).
The only thing that is recommended is a multivitamin but even that isn't a OMG-I-Must-Use-That type of deal.
If you eat a good, balanced diet the most you'd need in the way of supplements might be a good Multivitamin. It's just a fad promoted by those who have the most to gain, the people selling it. The fact is that in many cases, more than you might think, more harm than good is done by those supplements. But you have to decide for yourself; you can either be like the rest of those sheep and just do what the rest of the flock is doing or do some research on nutrition and do what's right.
They are called supplements because that's what they do - they supplement a good diet. To that end, they are not necessarily essential. However, it would be very difficult to get the amount of protein and creatine you need to build muscle solely from your diet. Additionally, some supplements have other effects, like weight loss, to help you reach your goal overall.

A good site is You can shop by goal on there, so everything is categorised by what they do to help you choose the best product - or the one most likely to help you.
I tried everything then I found acai berry. JUST KIDDING

No, it is not necessary to buy supplements. A healthy diet can do the same thing. I worked at gym for 1 year and the guy that was in the best shape did not take one supplement and he was ripped.
necessary? no but they can help
The best thing is a good diet then whey protein and creatine.
maybe a multi vitamin
after that the other stuff may help but its like throwing darts.
and nothing works if you dont train hard.
necessary? no but they can help
The best thing is a good diet then whey protein and creatine.
maybe a multi vitamin
after that the other stuff may help but its like throwing darts.
and nothing works if you dont train hard.
absolutely not.

a good, balanced diet will provide you will all the nutrients you need. the combination healthy eating habits and exercises (even moderate exercises) will get & keep you in shape.

maybe you can't reach the goal body you have in mind because it's unrealistic. most of us, with all the diet, exercises, and supplements will never look like the cover of cosmo. models, actors & body builders have personal trainers, cooks, and nutritionists on payroll and can devoted several hours a day to working out. besides that, their photos we see in magazines are photoshopped and airbrushed.
99% of supplements are just bullshit in pill form. Also, I think it's a requirement to have an IQ below 75 to work at GNC.

The supplements you must take:
Daily multivitamin pill - just to cover all bases in case your diet is lacking in a certain vitamin
Fish Oil Tablets or Flax Seed - The standard American diet is extremely lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed and fish oil tablets help a lot
The supplements that are optional:
Whey/Soy protein - put in a shake if you aren't getting enough protein in your diet. If you want to bulk up you should be getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Creatine - haven't used it, but I heard it works. Obviously, do some research.
The supplements that are crap:
Pretty much everything else. Stuff like Muscle Milk will help build muscle, but it's just milk, sugar, carbs, flavoring, and a huge sticker price. Stuff like Acai berry pills are generally pretty harmless, but they won't help you lose weight at all, so you're wasting your money. Stuff like Hydroxycut will not only waste your money but also give you liver failure.
Of course not!!!! Anything you need to get in great shape can be found in nature. I'm no hippie but you don't need fancy, and not to mention expensive, supplements to help you. All that fancy protein stuff you can find just as good of quality in lean meats and soy.
Plus, I'm pretty sure, ingesting so many artificial supplements like you're describing can not be good for you. Too much of anything is bad.
Just eat a good diet. Cardio 4-5 times a week and strength train 3-4 times a week (also depends on your current fitness level). And remember to strength train before you cardio - more effective.
Also, keep in mind that those supplements have a lot of extra protein (and in some product's case, calories and carbs). That's because they are meant for hardcore workout people who live at the gym and actually need all that extra nurtrients. The average person even if they work out most days of the week don't really need those extra stuff on top of their normal diet.
I'd say save money and stay away from supplements.
Also, maybe its just your diet or your not using the correct amount of weight resistance in your routine. Also genetics? Some people just have it harder that others to begin with and it's not their fault.
Good luck, though!