Where can i download Mega64 episode torrents or watch them for free?


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I want to watch episodes of Mega64 from either version 1 or 2 and cannot find any way to watch them other than buy the DVDs. Please don't be a smartass and tell me to just buy the DVDs.
god i hate you. you are whats worng with the world today. Dont you understand who our econamy works? are you retarted? If we all just take without providing reward they will stop doing this stuff. i wish you would just die!!!!!!!!!11
>god i hate you. you are whats worng with the world today. Dont you understand who our econamy works? are you retarted? If we all just take without providing reward they will stop doing this stuff. i wish you would just die!!!!!!!!!11

Are you retarded?
i think people should upload them piratebay has v1 & v2 so get them there, im still waiting on v3 and time travelers. And your all stupid by the way, torrents for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!