So why does this seem to be the trend with girls these days?


New member
Apr 20, 2008
they think or are in "deep love" with a guy in their mind after dating him for some months and they are like 12-15 then they start sleeping with him but they break up a month later or so then she falls for another guys does the same thing, and if she does not already have five kids with different dads by the time she is 18 how could any self respecting average high morality male take them seriously or even consider them no matter how nice they are or what they look like? I am waiting for marriage and not nieve enough to think im in love or feel pressure to sleep with anyone before marriage and im looking for a woman like that in my future. But all the girls these days seem to reallllly get around before they are even out of their teens..and they cry and whine and complain when people call them a slut or a whore in todays society..but what do they expect? and for you girls reading this you know what I mean. It just makes it harder for us to find a healthy strong high moral women in the future. And stats show that females involved in sexual activity from a young age are much much mentally and emotionally unstable and highly likely to have break downs in early adulthood or go on medication and work disability from the gov because they cant handle the real world.
stereotype? how could I stereotype when im talking about *those girls* not ALL girls, talking about a specific trend in todays society. Also sure I could tlak about *those* males too but the thread is about girls not the males though I do believe such basic morality and nature vs nurture in ones upbringing to play a large role I agree with you there.
thanks for lumping all girls into the stereotype. thank you so much. you really understand us girls eh?
I'm glad you're not lumping us in with the stereotypes it's just that the girls or boys will thing they're old enough to do what they do. And it's usually because of the parents teaching, or they just want to be wild. It's not a trend at least that's what I believe.
Okay... yes SOME girl are like that, and I'm not one of them so idk why they're like that.

But, with A LOT MORE teen girls, the guy pressures us into sleeping with them!

Like... I am a virgin, but the last guy I dated told me, that if I really loved him I would sleep with him, and I replied with well, if you really love me you'll wait, so we broke up.

So, if you don't try to pressure girls into sleeping with you, a lot of them will wait, you just have to find the right ones.
Personally I don't see what there life has to do with you. There are thousands and thousands of women in the world and if you are only finding the girls you are describing. Then it's obvious you aren't looking hard enough or are searching in the wrong places.

And who cares who they are or what they could be, because the last time I checked if they aren't affecting your life then move on and don't even bother with them.
True story.

Im 18 and i've slept with two people, one i was with for 3 years, and one i was with for six months

But it took me 4 years to sleep with 2 people.

My mate has a problem, she only lost her virginity a year ago and has now slept with 4 people.

Every time i say she's a slxt (which she is, tbh) she goes in a mood and falls out with me.

She'll realise when shes maturer that there's no point in sleeping with someone just because they want you to, you have to have an emotional bond.

She'll regret it when she's older, because she has only been in a relationship with 1 of the guys she slept with, and she only waited about a month to sleep with him, if that.
The other guys she slept with were because she was drunk too.

Wouldn't even expect it from an alcoholic tbh...

Answer mines please ??

Okay... yes SOME girl are like that, and I'm not one of them so idk why they're like that.

But, with A LOT MORE teen girls, the guy pressures us into sleeping with them!

Like... I am a virgin, but the last guy I dated told me, that if I really loved him I would sleep with him, and I replied with well, if you really love me you'll wait, so we broke up.

So, if you don't try to pressure girls into sleeping with you, a lot of them will wait, you just have to find the right ones.
so what, if a girl has had sex before she met you that makes her damaged goods?
well THAT'S quite judgemental.
i'm 18. i have sex with my boyfriend of 11 months who yes, i love very very much. go ahead, condemn me for it. but we love each other and wanted to show that love in a physical way. if you're interested it was our first times, but that doesn't matter to you does it?
because i didn't wait for marriage it obviously means i have no morals. i have been 'tainted' and i am a bad person who is mentally and emotionally unstable.
well, i can tell you that i do have morals. i am stable. i'm damn intelligent too - can YOU explain what dark matter and dark energy is? - and i CAN handle the real world. i don't have 5 kids. i don't intend to break up with my boyfriend. ever.
as soon as we're out of university we'll get engaged. and when we can afford it, we'll get married.
but don't you dare judge me and any other sexually active girls out there because of a choice i made.
Not all girls act like this but I know what you are saying. If you want to get married and you want to wait to have sex with a girl, well just hang in there. The right girl will come along someday you just got to keep trying and overlook all the young girls who want some.. but you can't just be blaming the girl. The girl isn't the only one having sex. It does take two and there are a lot of guys who say they are ready and just as responsible for making babies happen. And it's justimmaturityy and raging hormones, but don't worry the right girl will come along for you one day.
True story.

Im 18 and i've slept with two people, one i was with for 3 years, and one i was with for six months

But it took me 4 years to sleep with 2 people.

My mate has a problem, she only lost her virginity a year ago and has now slept with 4 people.

Every time i say she's a slxt (which she is, tbh) she goes in a mood and falls out with me.

She'll realise when shes maturer that there's no point in sleeping with someone just because they want you to, you have to have an emotional bond.

She'll regret it when she's older, because she has only been in a relationship with 1 of the guys she slept with, and she only waited about a month to sleep with him, if that.
The other guys she slept with were because she was drunk too.

Wouldn't even expect it from an alcoholic tbh...

Answer mines please ??

I know a ton of girls like that. More than half. It's so stupid and disgusting. It sickens me, and they think they're just so cool. Just nasty.