Atheism Rant Your Opinions?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
This is just a rant i decided to start you are more then welcome to state fact or opinion on my ways of thinking so here we go: God is imaginary he is unreal. What proof do we have that God is real? The holy bible? How do we know if the bible wasn't just a book written by a man who want to become a legacy. People tell me all the time that I'm going to hell for the fact that I don't believe in god. But there is no hell just like there is no heaven. When we die, we just die. That's it. We stay in "purgatory". If jesus loved us so much, why would he punish us by sending us to hell after we pass on? So I want you to go pray for someone who is lying on their death bed and see how long it takes for them to die. To me God is a lie. These are my opinions please feel free to state yours.
SOME OF US HAVE HIS SPIRIT IN our are so havent known Him but millions do!!!
You're mostly correct.Take a deep breath,you must be winded after that rant.

Most of the posters on R&S are christians so most of the atheist responses are directed at them.Simple math.

As an atheist I believe in no gods and mock them all.
All religions are crap...Islam being the one most in the dark ages....He flew to heaven on a Horse...your shi**ing me right??

There you go Gypsy
You don't need to matter how right you can be, people will always refuse to accept something that goes against their own ways.
My opinion is that you are entitled to your opinion. :)

What I'd like to see is an atheist rant about some other religion. It seems that the atheists who go on the occasional rant are completely focused on Christianity. Why not b*tch about another religion for a change?
You can't tell me that after how many years you live..that you die, and nothing happens, as if your whole point of even living was a waste, why don't you go ahead and end your life if there is no meaning after your death.

You are here for a reason and a purpose, and our dreams, and thoughts, were given to us, and it wasn't by chance.