do I have the right to call cops on parked car? pictures?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
hello guys I need some help. the next door neighbor parks this huge truck in front of my house everyday for the past 2 months. I cant see around this huge truck when im backing out of my drive way and trying not to hit it on my way out and trying to see on coming traffic is proving very difficult for me. I live in a town-home and as you can see in my picture the streets are A lot smaller them public streets almost half as wide. this guys has 4 cars and no where else to park this beast he is rude and i don't want to talk to him about it because i know he will throw a fit do i have the right to call the cops is there something better i can do? thank you for helping me ?
You have the right to call the cops, whenever you feel it necessary, but do not call 911, this is not an emergency, call your local number. They will give you advice how to deal with this. Your neighbor seems very annoying, I can fully understand that you don't like this. I don't think it is illegal to park where he parks, but if the truck is parked there constantly over a long period of time and especially if it is a traffic safety issue, I think the police can have it removed. But your local police will know this the best, contact them, and probably focus on the traffic safety.
I think it depends on the state and city that you live in. i had to call the police before on a few people who were parkered in my drive to were i could not get in are out of my drive. i called the police and the officer that came just drove there and set by my house he did not get out of his car to tell the people to move are any thing. so I think it depends on your city police department. you can call and see what they can do ity want hurt