best food for a dog with allergies?


New member
Feb 20, 2008
i have a 5 y/o yorkie male. right now i have him on the medi*cal diet that the vet suggested (before we found out his exact allergies)but i have to change that too now. he is allergic to chicken,turkey,peas,carrots,brewers yeast,kelp and oatmeal. most brands i can get at stores here have chicken(thats a no-no). he also has a # of other allergies!(all together he has 32!) i want him to be as comfortable as possible. he doesnt really like the food he's on now..not to mention it does have traces of oatmeal in it! he is also getting a pill called allerderm efavite thats a high potency skin & coat conditioner(containing fatty acids,vitamins & minerals). what is the raw diet like? what kinds of food would he be fed on that?would he need suppliments?are there any dog foods that don't contain these ingredients?please help! i want to provide the best for my little guy!any advice would be greatly appreciated!