Where does the left get their historical facts from, the fictional and sci-fi...

"The problem with our liberal friends is that they know so much, about so many things that just ain't so."

-Ronald Reagan
Come on, Old Goat. Be serious. Its not the left who are trying to force Intelligent(?) Design into science books.
Good question. For example - why are the Democrats consider the party for civil rights, when, for example, many democrats were against the civil rights acts. Such as: Bull Connor, and the democratic senators who tried to filibuster the equal rights act to death - including Al Gores dad. It passed anyway, thanks to republican senator Dirksen of Illinois.
"The problem with our liberal friends is that they know so much, about so many things that just ain't so."

-Ronald Reagan
Come on, Old Goat. Be serious. Its not the left who are trying to force Intelligent(?) Design into science books.
Grimms fairy tales and their "Magic 8 balls".

Edit: Are you sure you mean "Historical" and not "Hysterical"?
I personally find some of their "facts" to be hysterically funny.
Can you give an example of a flawed historical fact with it's related question? And it seems to me that the right has decided that they are now able to predict the future somehow?
Can you give an example of a flawed historical fact with it's related question? And it seems to me that the right has decided that they are now able to predict the future somehow?
When I clicked on this question I assumed there would be additional details that would be either intelligent, insightful or funny. There was nothing. This might be one of the most worthless questions I've seen on Y!A.