PSP Go Leaked: Slider With 16GB of Flash Storage and Bluetooth [Psp Go]


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Live images have leaked of Sony's PSP Go, set to launch at next week's E3. Looks like those rumors were true: It's a UMD-less slider with 16GB of memory, and it'll ship this fall. No price yet, but that should come with the official announcement next week. Update with video:

All this leakage stems from the June issue of Qore, which is a bit of a slip-up on Sony's part. The Go looks to keep the single analog joystick, though the overall design is quite a bit more playful and, well, circular than previous iterations of the PSP. Notice we didn't say "attractive": the circle section that houses the start and select buttons especially has kind of a late-90s feel to it, but we'll have to see how it looks in the hand. It should be packing Bluetooth and a memory card slot (probably MemoryStick, grah) in addition to the 16GB of internal memory.

Also lining up with the previous rumors is that the new PSP Go will not replace the PSP 3000, but instead try to live peacefully with the older device on store shelves. And that hefty 16GB of storage space makes sense considering what we've heard about possible digital game rentals and a music store. [Gaming Console Network (site currently down) via PlayStation Forums via Engadget]
