Would you drive an SUV if it ran on water instead of oil?


May 15, 2008
Suppose there were new SUVs, motorhomes, and truck campers and RVs that you could buy for just 10 bucks BRAND NEW, 5 dollars used. (And they were as safe as the Toyota and Volvo.

Each of these RVs would run on tap water and every gallon of water gave you $10,000 free miles.

Would you buy this vehicle? Suppose Chrysler and GM made these vehicles.

Wouldn't this be a great day???? And then Detroit and Toledo, Ohio would re-open manufacturing facilities everywhere and jobs would be pouring back into the midwest?

Why can't this happen?????! And then you could camp out anywhere you wanted and drive everywhere for free.
the bad news would be of course, Exxon-Mobile jobs would go bust.

BUT if you were to keep your current car, gas price would drop to $0.01 per gallon with signs saying "Going out of business 7-days gasoline clearance." Wouldn't this be sad?
I want one that runs on a mini-nuclear reactor. I could run it for 50+ years before needing to refuel.
No, I don't like them. I live in Boston where we have old 1600 streets that barely give you enough room as it is. Plus it sucks doing a turn with SUVs and squeezing into a parking spot
Water molecules are about as low on the energy scale as you can get. When you burn gasoline, you get heat, which expands gasses in engines to power the wheels. You also get carbon dioxide and water.

Gsaoline + oxygen ---->water + carbon dioxide

C8H18 + O2 ------ > 9 H2O + 8 CO2

One of the informal rules of physics is, "there ain't no free lunch".
I have no reason for one.

Own a Chevy Silverado and a Harley-Davidson (my gas saver).
I just don't like big cars, no matter what they run on. They are a total pain to park and maneuver through cities, and they don't have a lot of speed when pulling out into traffic.

I drive a (40/mpg) Mini Cooper.
No I would not, because water is less available than gas in the world (unless we get better desalinization plants) and especially in places like california and many other states with drought or water rationing you might find yourself with no fuel.

You can run a car on water its already been done, they split the water molecules and extract the hydrogen from them through a heating process in a self contained unit in the engine, google it. drinkeable water is the worlds most valuable and scare resource aside from food, it will not be used as fuel.
Duded my current car(s) are a F-350 1 ton 4x4 and a F-450 1 1/2 ton 4x4 that pulls my 40 foot Recon and bass boat! Prices mean nothing to me!
It would be an absolute pleasure to drive anything that ran on water, air, or some other type of alternate fuel source, so long as we could all get out from under the shadow of big Oil Companies and countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia who care nothing for us as a people, but just want our money.

America should be for Americans, and the money produced here should stay here. This way we help our own people, the homeless, the less fortunate, and the destitute, and not continue to give prosperity to outsiders and non-Americans who could care less about what happens to us or our citizens.

It is time for this country to realize that we must take care of our citizens before we care for the rest of the world. It is time Americans cared enough about their fellow man to shout to whoever shall listen that in this age of the 21st Century it is not enough to just survive anymore. It is time that our citizens reaped the benefit of this great nation, and for the average, every day working person, not just the Super-Rich who wouldn't know what compassion and empathy was if it jumped up and smacked them in the face.
Steam powered SUV's!?!?!

Now that's the kind of forward thinking ingenuity I've come to expect from the Republican party.
Dream on! Even if they COULD make a car that runs on water, you'd better believe the oil companies would never let it get onto the market.