UK Banned list: Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has introduced a banned list...?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
Interestingly this includes a US 'shock jock' but NOT supposed uber terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

Nor does it include a more familiar arch villain, Parliamentary perjuror, intelligence manipulator and war criminal TONY BLIAR (nor his mentor GW BUSH).

Is such a list a breach of the UKs traditional stance on freedom of speech?

Who'd be on your list - it seems a bit odd that the Home Secretary, keen on this idea, seems to be struggling so badly to produce anything like a sensible list most people would agree with!
Whether people are awful or not they should have a right to air their thoughts therefore this self righteous biznitch in government should not decide for me. We should decide whether we find him offensive or not of course, this screams of total dictatorship at the fore and a very wrong path to take, the public need to keep a grip herr Mein Kampf.
just wondering do you really need to say evil villians aren't allowed cause they, if they are stupid enough to come would be arrested.

unlike america we know when to stop the rights of the one for the rights of the many, we don't want fred phelps here and i have no idea how america can let the westboro baptists continue what they do "picketed the funerals of Aids victims and claimed the deaths of US soldiers are a punishment for US tolerance of homosexuality."

sure freedom of speech, but what about the freedoms of other people?