Why are Republicans the biggest supporters of tobacco, but the biggest fighters

Both parties are dead set against legalization. BTW,did you know that Al Gore Sr made his fortune supporting the tobacco companies and encouraging tobacco growth in his state?
Tobacco farms are in the south, which has traditionally gone Republican.
Tobacco is legal.
Marijuana is illegal.
Oh I forgot, Liberals LOVE people and things that are illegal.
Because the rules do not apply to those in charge ... apparently.

To the person talking about marijuana "relaxing" people ... tell that to the family that lost a loved one to a Marijuana smoker who plowed over them.
Tobacco is legal.
Marijuana is illegal.
Oh I forgot, Liberals LOVE people and things that are illegal.
Because the rules do not apply to those in charge ... apparently.

To the person talking about marijuana "relaxing" people ... tell that to the family that lost a loved one to a Marijuana smoker who plowed over them.
Where are most tobacco farms?Red states.

Ever stop to think maybe they don't like competition against their products?
Legalize marijuana now!!! Put an end to the hypocrisy!!! People can get drunk and beat their wives in a drunken rage yet people are not allowed to use marijuana.
I don't agree with the first part of your question.

however legalizing pot would pull us out of a bad economy, would take allot of good people off the bad guy list, making law enforcement and prisons cheaper, court costs ETC. Just think- the cartels would be out of Business.
I feel that if pot is illegal so should be cigarettes, alcohol, speed colas and drinks, weight loss/energy pills sold at any liquor store.

on the other side of the coin, imagine a stoned nation, lazy, unproductive, accounting mistakes, work place injuries, car accidents.

That's from a Moderate Republican who has smoked both.
I don't suppose you have a link to the numbers you are using to make this assumption? Because this Republican being a former user of both, is against both.

( and I'll deny it still)

US Army
They can't tax marijuana, and there isn't a "pot industry" to send lobbyists and cash their way.

Also, they still think it's a "hippy" thing.
Quoting political thinkers from Mark to Ayn Rand (they both said this, as well as others): Follow the money.

Tobacco is profitable. The companies that produce it are almost entirely in the South--and owned by republicans. They pay off (ho, excuse me, make campaign contributions to) the GOP-big pa--contributions.

The economics of the marijuana market are different. Despite it's widespread use, the actual volume isn't all that great (compared to tobacco)--very few pot users buy 1/10 as much as even a light smoker does tobacco. And the production cost is actually less. So legal marijuana wold be about 90 percent less than illegalmarijuana. So the conservatives who are making billions growing pot wold lose all that income (which is illegal, so they don't even pay taxes).

In short--Repubicans support tobacco (legal) because they are making a killingby killing. Marijuana is more profitable as an illegal substance--so they want to keep it illegal.
To generalize, but accurately in my opinion, marijuana has traditionally been more popular among the liberal "hippie" types, and like the first guy said, tobacco farms have traditionally been in conservative states.

So if you detect a difference, that's probably why.
Tobacco lobbyists give them bunches and bunches of money,,,the marijuana lobby doesn't.
Al Gore's family made money off tobacco but have quit that business a long time ago.

They didn't know any better.