Moms, did you go back smoking after you had your baby?


New member
Apr 28, 2009
I quit and I haven't officially started smoking again. Once in a while I will have one if I'm around someone who smokes and they offer but I don't need to. I didn't while I was breastfeeding though. That's terrible.
Yes, I did. I in fact had a cigarettes within 5 hours of getting home from the hospital.
Of course I smoke outside, and do it sparingly, I smoke a pack a week, so its not like I am smoking a few packs a day. I am a lite smoker, but I do still smoke. Am currently working on quitting again, but its hard. It was easy quitting when I was pregnant, but now that I am not, its very hard.

Bring on the thumbs down, ya ya ya, I know, I smoke cigarettes, that makes me a horse shit mom doesn't it?

And yes, I did breastfeed and smoke. My doctor and lactation consultant said it was better breastfeed and smoke then not to breastfeed. My lactation consultant also helped figure out the times that were best to smoke during the day that fit around my sons breast feeding regim so I would have the least nicotine in my system.
When I found out I was pregnant with my son I stopped smoking after 5 years so my son can be healthy. Since giving birth 11 months ago I have no urge to smoke anymore which is a good thing. My boyfriend smokes but he goes outside so he won't let our child come in contact of smoke. Did you moms go back smoking, even if you're breastfeeding?
I have gone out for some drinks 2 times since I've had my son, and I had a cig or two, but other than that, nope. I made sure I pumped milk for the next day after too...cause I am breastfeeding. My boyfriend thought it was gross, it is...
Yes, I did. I quit smoking during the first trimester with both of my boys and I didn't start back again until I was done breastfeeding.

It was probably a dumb decision on my part but oh well, what's done is done. My husband smokes too and it was hard to be around him smoking (even though he goes outside) and not be able to smoke as well.
First off, Congrats to all of you who completely quit. It is a very hard thing to do. Unfortunately I went back to smoking. I was so stressed, for the first 3 1/2 months of life my little one had Colic, not to mention I work in a bar so the temptation is always there. So I went back to it. I wish I hadn't and would love to quit but it is very hard to do as you all know. BTW I don't breastfeed and I smoke outside away from my baby.
I went back very briefly then wondered why. I quit again. It's too expensive more than anything! lol. Now I enjoy a cig immensely, but I don't do anything in halves. I can't just have a few a day, I'm either a heavy smoker or a non smoker. I can't afford (both financially and medically) to be a heavy smoker.
I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant, now a year later I still crave a cigarette!
I went out to a bar about a month ago to see my brother's band play and I had a beer and really wanted a smoke...I had one and felt so guilty I haven't wanted one since. I thought it would taste so good, lol! But I felt so bad I couldn't even "enjoy" it.

So no, I won't be going back to smoking :)
I have not had my child yet, but I've had 4 of my best friends have their children and they all went back to smoking, one never quit for her pregnancy though. I don't crave cigarettes while I'm pregnant and I never did once I was pregnant. Actually that's how I knew I was pregnant I didn't crave cigarettes and I knew something was wrong! It depends on how you discipline yourself. Just don't pick it back up and try not to be around people that do it on a regular basis.
I smoked since I was 16 and when I found out I was pregnant I stopped too so my daughter won't be born with birth defects. I haven't had the urge to go back smoking either because I was taking good care of myself. My man smokes too and doesn't smoke in our house and around our daughter and don't let no one else smoke around her as well. Plus I might as well quit altogether because cigs here in Chicago are too high like $8.00 a pack!
Now you can start thinking of yourself as well... Why get back into a habit that's not healthy for you. I am sure you want to be the healthiest for yourself as well as your children. So stay strong and fight the urge, it really is whats best for you and your family.. at least in my opinion. But then again I have never been a smoker.
I probably isn't good to smoke around the baby, but as long as it's outside and away from the baby you should be fine. 11 mons. is plenty of time i think.
Nope !! =)
I has smoked for about 8-9 years. I always said I for sure quit if I ever got pregnant- then I found out I was!! I quit right away.
My son is 13 months- and I have no desire at all to smoke!!
I'm not a hypocrite about it- but I think it's really gross and can't believe I ever enjoyed smoking!!
My partner also still smoke- but he never smokes in the house as well.
We actually didn't smoke in the house before, come to think of it!!
ur not supposed to. but y wld u want to? u kno thats a dirty,unhealthy,sick habit.
I never did start but if you've stopped for that long don't start up again... plz
thank you for being responsible..i cant stand seeing a parent holding there baby in one arm and a lit cigarette in the other...i dont smoke and never have but i know alot of mothers who never quit.
No. But I did start back later. And quit again with my second. I haven't smoked in almost four years, though. My daughter is almost six and she sees EVERYTHING! Just because of that reason I don't do a lot of things that I probably would.
No. It is occasionally a struggle, but I haven't had a single puff, and 'baby' is 20mo.

I tell myself I can take it up again in a couple of decades; this eases the cravings somehow.