Why are republican-christians obsessed with homo marriage?

It is more associated with mormons that actually funded the cause and here large numbers of atheists have strong views as well. There are some atheists that have things about this issue in their profiles.

This is not as much of a christian issue as it is a gay and mormon issue.

As a christian I do not have that lifestyle so the gays by defintion are more concerned since it is their lifestyle.

Mormons put more money behind it than any other Orginization and money seems like a bigger way to measure the importance than having an opinion.

I have a christian opinion but I did not spend money and my lifestyle does not exibit this issue either.
Because they believe that their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Also, they feel that everyone must live the same - have a husband and a few kids and go to Church every day and never drink and never have sex before marriage and hate abortion and bow to men's "needs" and be generally bigoted.
They are legalistic, narrow minded bigots. They fought against interracial marriage in the 1960's. They'll spread their hatred in another manner in the years to come.

Look at the idiocy of the post above. This jerk equates gays marrying with people marrying pigs.
Why are homosexuals obsessed with traditional marriage. In nearly all states they are granted same sex job benefits. Asking for the institution of marriage to change to suit one group's needs is a special right they are asking for, not an equal one.
Oh do you mean obsessed like boys/men who have beat other homosexuals because deep down they too are gay? I find it so funny that everyone condemns Christians as if they are the only ones who attack verbally and/or physically to homosexuals.

when I lived it Texas some years ago, it was known for Friday night football and Saturday night gay bashing.

Who cares what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Everyone has sins and No ones sins are greater then someone elses. ( Talking normal people not murderers)

**thumbs down all you want. It is good for some people to have some sort of power even if it is thumbing people down. lol
First of all, it is erroneous to believe that:

a) seeking to protect the sanctity of marriage=obsession with "homo marriage".

b) Republicans are the only political group that looks to protect the sanctity of marriage.

c) that Christians are the only "religious" group that looks to protect the sanctity of marriage.

d) That the prohibition of God, against sodomy is limited to the Old Testament.

Therefore I would have to say that your question is proven to be completely fallacious as it is based on a false premise to begin with.
First of all, it is erroneous to believe that:

a) seeking to protect the sanctity of marriage=obsession with "homo marriage".

b) Republicans are the only political group that looks to protect the sanctity of marriage.

c) that Christians are the only "religious" group that looks to protect the sanctity of marriage.

d) That the prohibition of God, against sodomy is limited to the Old Testament.

Therefore I would have to say that your question is proven to be completely fallacious as it is based on a false premise to begin with.
First off, marriage is a word. That word is defined as "the joining of one man and one woman." You cannot have "marriage" as being between two people of the same sex simply because it contradicts the meaning of that word. You don't like it, take it up with Webster!

Let me say this - Christians do not agree with, support, or condone homosexuality (the act of), but we love, pray for, and care deeply for homosexuals (the people). God wants us to hate the sin and love the sinner. Remember, we are ALL sinners and, as John 8:7 teaches, none of us can condemn anyone because we all fall short of the Glory of God...hence the need for Jesus!
I'm not a Christian but:
1. If you notice, the only States in the USA that allow Gay Marriage has come about by Judicial fiat. That is Unconstitutional.
2. If you are going to allow two people of the same sex then a man should be allowed to have more than one wife.
3. Marriage between a Man and a Woman is an American Tradition.
4. If Gays can marry, why not let a Pedophile marry a nine year old. Pedophiles and Homosexuals are both mentally ill. Let's celebrate that.
5. Homosexual Marriage is against the Will of the People.
For your information homosexuality is also forbidden in the new testament. When Jesus came to save us, sin was still sin- that is why he died. I am not obsessed with gays getting married, I just know it is wrong according to the word of God- just like heterosexuals having sex before marriage.
We arent the ones trying to change the laws and the societal traditions that have been part of the US from the beginning.

Why dont you accuse the liberals of being obsessed? They seem to be the ones asking all the questions about gay marriage on here.
They are the ones trying to overturn the voters at every turn.
They are the ones using the courts to push their agendas.
They are the ones making it a public issue.

Oh thats right, you probably agree with them so they arent obsessed, only the side you disagree with is.

People, do some of you see your own hypocrisy?

Its wrong for people that disagree with gay marriage to force their beliefs and their societal views on other people, but its perfectly ok for you and your side to do it?

Everytime you vote you have imposed your values, beliefs and morals on the losing side. This applies to EVERYONE, not just Christians.
So unless you dont ever vote or voice an opinion on the direction you think your society should go, you "force" your opinion and your beliefs on others just as much!

People are perfectly ok with forcing their own directions of society when their side wins but scream and whine when their side loses that the other side is pushing their beliefs on them.
Yeah, if you had won you wouldnt have just pushed your beliefs on others.
That isn't exactly the problem. The problem is that homosexual acts are immoral in themselves and gay marriage is too. But if we allow them to get married, soon, we will have to let a man and pig get married. That's not ok.
Because in the bible, God removed cities that condoned gay and beastiality.
Certain things are perverted and God says so.
So if God says so it must be so and why go against God. He is more powerful than you or me.
Just because you want those things to be right, does not make them so.
Because they have an intense interest in eliminating what freedoms other people express in the privacy of their own homes. For another thing, the gay rights movement is the biggest social change (in the US anyways) since the minority rights / womens rights movement of approximately 40 years ago and just like back then, conservatives fought against those social improvements too. But guess what? THE BUMS LOST! Woman and black Americans won huge victories back then despite the efforts of the religious right. They (the christians that is) got a big boost from their big daddy, Ronald Reagen, who lorded over the 1980s during the peak of the evangelical movement, and Dubya Bush also had a reputation as an evangelical type (recall how the term "Bush base" literally meant "evangelical christians who will vote for him no matter what"). But it's all falling apart now. Hardcore Republican christians are on a ship that is sinking fast and no amount of re-arranging the deck chairs will allow them to legislate their hateful "family values" anymore. Sit back and enjoy the show! It's not everyday that you get to see an entire political belief self-destruct. This hasn't happened since the end of slavery.
Because it's thrust into the faces of the sensible people in society.