relationship question.... please help.?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Accent fetish.... do you have one? i do but problem.....?
im going on a double date tomorrow... and my husband ( we live in Texas) but my husband is english. hes from London England anyways that's another story... so my husband is friends with the guy, so me and the gal dont know each other but she wanted to hear my hubbys accent. and she told him that he has a sexy accent. and so my hubby giggled and said well thank you. and so she hands the phone to get boyfriend and he said yea she has a accent fetish.... and im like uhh woah. so now even thou i have an accent fetish i find it weird that she does too and thst she finds my husbands accent sexually exciting. IDK what do you think about this? and should i just not worry about it or what