If you can watch movies online for free, and download music for free via...


New member
Oct 17, 2008
...bittorrent & limewire, why still pay? If you can watch movies online for free, and download music for free via bittorrent & limewire, why still pay for it via software like itunes/napster or via places like netflix or amc?
cuz people think that theyre doing the world a service by paying for something they can get for free. i Will pay for an album from my favorite artists because i appreciate their art and will support them to get more. i will go see a movie at the theatres with my kids because thats an event, not just a movie. but most of the music out now is not worthy of my money and if i didnt get it for 2 bucks a cd (LOL) at the flea market, i wouldnt be at a loss. As for movies, i used to be able to see a matinee for 3.25 instead of 8.00 a few years back and subsequently would got see EVERYTHING. now, i can get the bootleg for the same price so I do. but hey, if u want to give your money away, go for it!
idk i love using limewire..i guess some people have extra money and want to support the singer/actor
Downloading music illegally is easy and affordable but if we stop buying cds the music Industrieie is going to go down.
Try to download music and maybe buy the movies
I have nothing against piracy whatsoever, but in my personal opinion, people should at least PURCHASE the movie they loved to show some support. Also, purchase movies are genuinely better quality than download since usually people who shares the movies have to compress, slice and dice the movies so it could be easier for others to download..in exchange, the quality will not be as good. That's the point of the Blu-Ray disc competing against DVD, is because Blu-Ray could hold so much more memory that little or no compresssion of the video is required so it would maintain its original picture and would make dvd look pretty bad. Also..if everybody thinks like you do..then you wouldn't have a place to download from now would it :)...there's gotta be that person who purchased it and upload it online in order for others to download it..it's just that person isn't you
Some people just like to follow the law, or are scared they will get caught. I have no problem with it though and know many people that do it and never get in trouble.
in some cases you get more for money, or better quality when you pay. If everyone gets there entertainment for free, then all the time and work that goes into creating the project becomes worth less and non profitable, then the creators have to find new jobs, so that they can make a living.