Do I call it quits now or give the relationship time to grow?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Me and my girlfriend have not been together long. I met her at work back in July and was instantly attracted. We got together a few months later and have been together for two months. It went from be heaven to rocky real quick and I am wondering if I should call it quits. She says that she is in love with and God knows that I am in love with her but there is a trust issue that seems to be driving me to doubt everything she says. Well maybe not everything but a majority. She was living with her ex girlfriend when we started dating and over the last month has brought clothes to my house and been staying with me until her apartment is ready in June. She comes in after work one day changes her clothes and says she is leaving no kiss no nothing this was at 6 o'clock and then she comes back at 1:50am and say she went over to and ex's house (that is tattooed on her arm) to do her hair. I don't think so. On top of the whole trust issue she acts like she doesn't care about anything including me like if we broke up it wouldn't fase her. That doesn't make me feel yo comfortable. I don't know what to do at this point. Any advice?