How soon after smoking can i start my patches?


Jun 2, 2008
I got nicorette patches to stop smoking and had planned to set a date but after having a cigarette about 15mins ago i have decided i just dont want to have even another one as its making me feel so rubbish, i was wondering if its ok to put my first patch on now even although i have smoked today, iv only had that one, any help would be great? x
i used them and i did the same as you as the fags were making me feel so rubbish just stick on the patch its fine
Yes certainly you can use the patch's whilst smoking, although you'll be getting twice as much nicotine don't forget. Try to just have one now and again to wein yourself off them. If you do buy a packet of cigs, run them under the tap as soon as you get home then you'll have nothing to smoke.

Tell others around you that you're trying to give up and ask them not to offer you any cigarettes.

Don't be disheartened if you don't succeed the first time. The majority of ex-smokers didn't do it on their first time either.

Remember?: CASH NOT ASH!!

Good luck :)
it should be ok to put it on now. it is time released, so its not like you are going to get this really big hit. but once you put it on, you should not smoke again. this would cause the big hit. and from my own experience i found that smoking with the patch is really a waste of time. your body is already getting the nic, so smoking is just like sucking air. good luck. the patch can really help. it will however give you some really vivid dreams. some people don't like the dreams, if you don't like the dreams just take the patch off before bedtime. i actually liked the dreams so left them on.
I guess I'll just tell you how I did it.....I used the patches at the same time as smoking. It makes some people nauseated....but it just helped curb the craving with me. I would still smoke maybe 3 or 4 a day...but cutting back from a pack and a half a day, that's a big improvement. But if you already don't feel like having another, go ahead and use the patch. You've already worked on kicking the habit of having a cigarette in your's just the withdrawals that you've got to worry about. That's what the patch is designed for. So put it on now and see how it goes and how you feel. I'd just tell you to remember that having a puff now and then through the day isn't gonna kill all the effort you've put into quitting.

Good luck sweetie! ;)