I have a westell 6100F Modem/router from Verizon. Can I use it with other...


New member
Apr 11, 2009
...DSL service providers? I have modem I used while using verizon dsl services. I am moving out of a verizon area. I want to know if I can use this modem with other services like earthlink or ATT so I don't have to pay for one from them!
Sadie: Whats the deal, that website provided is for a money making scheme! ?
No you can't. When you set that modem up,they register it on their system with the IP address. So,no way. You'll have to get another service...better yet,check out Cricket Broadband. Only 40 bux a month plus activatiion & purchase fee,but well worth it. No,I don't work for them,but so far am a very satisfied customer.:)