Atheists: Do you find it hard to be tolerant of religion when...?

Apr 10, 2009
Do you ever try to be tolerant of religion and of religious beliefs but have a really hard time doing that when you see people making decisions based off of their beliefs and not their own reasoning?

I try to be tolerant of religion but when I see people who base their views on some issues based off of what their god says and not what they personally think I can't help but think "if it wasn't for religion this wouldn't be happening". I mean I know it's wrong to generalize but I've come to notice that the people who are less religious have their own views and feel differently about some issues as opposed to those that just base their decisions off of their religious beliefs.

BTW I apologize if I have offended any religious people. I am well aware that there are people who critically think and that have their own thoughts but also happen to be religious. So I apologize in advance.
I find it HARDEST when MY laws and RIGHTS have these said religious influences.

But yes, when people make foolish decisions based off of their religion, it galls me beyond telling.

?Those who regard a freedom from the false morals and obsolete
?practices regarding sex or religion as debauched are doing naught
?but corrupting their minds with foolishness.
?My morals come from compassion; my compassion from
?understanding. And I seek to know and understand... everything.
I don't feel any obligation to tolerate religious people at all! I have no problem with it either.

I have friends who are staunch Christians, but they don't talk about their god to me because they know we'd get into a big argument. The other day, on the subway, this slimy dude was bugging people by talking about god and freaking adam and eve and moses ... and I knew he was thinking I was the devil because I stared at him like he was an unwanted religious freak talking loud on the subway.