ring a bell with you? Whenever Russian composers are referenced on this forum, the composers of the above are rarely if ever mentioned.

And I feel that it's about time they were; especially for the benefit of those newer patrons to this forum, and in particular the students; some of whose expertise in this most rarefied realm of music is indeed already impressive.

I will leave it to the rest of you, we of the older generation, to fill in the details should you wish.

((unable to find a recording of "Ilya Muromets"; here instead is Reinhold Gliere's "Russian Sailors Dance" from his "The Red Poppy"):


"The Procession of the Sardar" from Ippolitov-Ivanov's "Caucasian Sketches":


And the Overture to Mikhail Glinka's "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX-gR-zzZgc&feature=PlayList&p=A50E696EA8C1891C&playnext =1&playnext_from=PL&index=39

Comments, remarks, questions?
