I have a severe anxiety disorder, why is it considered a sin for me to smoke weed


New member
Jun 1, 2008
it is what defiles the body smoking harms the body we were not made to smoke the lungs will die so eat it
I can give you an answer, but you won't like it.

Anxiety stems from FEAR. Fear is a negative emotion. Fear, per christianity, comes from the devil. It is not of god.

Trust in God, and let go of your fear. There is nothing truly to be afraid of. What is the worst possible thing that can happen to you? Death. If you are a christian, then you should never fear death. Death is the release of this fleshly body, and the escape of the soul back to God.

I know you don't want to hear this - nor will many others. But, this is true.

If you need to talk about it more - please feel free to speak with me. I will never turn you away, and am always here to help.
From a Christian perspective, partially because it is illegal.

As a non-Christian, I find it creates more anxiety than it relieves. I used to smoke weed every day for years, but I have become much happier since I gave it up.
but not when I take Zoloft? or Valium? All of them are mind altering & they would both be considered Pharmakia? I don't understand. Serious question, I am a Christian.
When I was 15yrs old my shrink even suggested that I smoke it, I had Anorexia, Social Anxiety, depression, & OCD.
It has nothing to do with the drug.

THC is illegal and therefore a sin to break such a law.

By the way the others would be a sin too if you got them without a prescription because that's illegal too.
Because weed ia an illegal drug. the others aren't. We are to obey ceasars law unless it conflicts directly with true wprship. In that case, as it states in the book of Acts, we must obey God as ruler rather than man. The governments are only here because God has allowed them to be in order to provide us with a measure of protection.
Personally I don't smoke weed because it worsens my anxiety.

I think it should be legal and there is nothing wrong with it.
Its not considered a sin. only a violation in law.

its because we have stupid drug laws and the government would rather get you hooked on something they regulate than something you could grow in your back yard....even if its a chemical solution over a natural remedy.
I have social anxiety as well but i dont smoke weed for that because it makes me paranoid when i am around non-weed smokers. but weed is nice to smoke regardless. its most definetly NOT a sin.
well the bible tells us to obey the laws of the land unless they are against gods laws....so weed is illegal

u need to fast and pray and ask god to take this from u...

James 5:14
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
Its illegal.

Whether you think it should be or not, you can't argue with the cold hard fact that weed, not used for medical stuff, like in Cali, is illegal.
Dude it's only considered a "sin" to smoke weed because church and state are so intertwined that illegal and immoral have become synonymous. And your shrink is the man.
I know at least two people who use prescribed pot for medical conditions, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Unfortunately, the law doesn't see it the same way: Zoloft is legal, and pot isn't. And in this case, the guy with the badge holds all the winning cards.

Maybe one day the legal system and the medical system will catch up with each other. Until then, you pays your money and takes your chances.
I do not believe that smoking weed is a sin. It's against the law in most of the world, but it is not a sin.

Interestingly enough, the bible says it's a sin to commit adultery, but are there people locked up in most countries for adultery?

And, btw, I hate that psychotropic drugs and the like are handed out like candy.