My 1st cousin wants ME to have SEX with her, please help?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
ew thats weird ,
tell her no , straight up ,
dont change the subject
tell her you guys are COUSINS
not dating , its incest
and its wrong ,
and tell her you love her
but as family
not a girlfriend .
My first cousin has been asking me for sex, i keep saying no but she just won't stop, shes my closest cousin, i grew up with her. i don't wanna lose her has like my best friend but i don't know what to do anymore

a little while ago she came over and we was talking and she said "can i ask you for a favor?" i was like sure! whats up? "umm...... i've been wanting to ask you if me and you can do something together" i said what do you mean? "umm...... i wanna have sex......." i said no and changed the subject.

she came over and we was watching TV. she pushed me to a lying down position on the couch (i was sitting on the arm of the couch), i said what are you doing? she said "shh..... be quite for a minute" then she started getting on top of me then she started putting her hands in my shirt on my chest and said "can we have sex..... please..." then my mom knocked on the door so she got off of me

i seriously don't know what to do anymore, im scared to tell my family because she might turn it around cause she's good at making up stories and shes like the angel of the family and everyone believes everything she says

im 16 shes 17
Get a girlfriend. Be around her with your cousin at the same time. She will be like damn ima back of that sheeet.
first you are 16, and second of all 17 year old girls asking 16 year old guys for sex, i dont believe you, and 3 rd of all just to even think about telling a story about your cousin is pretty sick.
First EWWW! And Second EWWW!!

I think you should just avoid being alone with her for awhile. And tell your parents if this keeps happening
I would avoid being alone with her. If you are worried she will make up a story about how it was your idea, then most likely she will. If you don't have sex with her, then she cannot prove any story she makes up. If you do, then she can.

Tell someone in your family!!!!
I don't see the harm, really. It's a cousin, not a sister, brother or immediate family member. Just take all necessary precautions. You both are still so young, that chances are 10-15 years down the line, you will both laugh about it. It's not something that will ruin your relationship.
That is just gross. Tell her that if she keeps this up you are going to tell her parents. I know kinda childish to tell, but hopefully it will scare her enough to stop.
I had this problem before and I wish I said no and I regret it so just keep saying no.
You're both children and acting like it. It sounds like she may have something wrong with her mentally. You have to continue to say no and be blunt. Don't let her get all over you. And yes I think you should tell your parents...tell them you're scared and that you don't know what is going on but that this is what's happening. Either that or tell a counselour or someone you trust.
well first off that is wrong, second secretly confront your mom or dad depending who your closer too, cuz if you tell the story first, then your the one they'll believe. idk but that's not right!
Okay firstly - she sounds like an incest freak, and i'd lock her up in the basement, kind of like harry potter, lol.
If she doesn't stop doing this to you it can be counted as sexual harassment which is taken very seriously.
Make sure you let her know that you're stern in what you're saying.. And tell her that it's wrong.
Otherwise - You should tell somebody.. And if she makes stuff up, go with my original plan, lock her in the basement.