What would you prefer: Capitalism New Labour style viz Capitalism Tory style?

I prefer the plain old everyday Capitalism that made America a SUPER POWER...not the moronic Socialist garbage that has failed every time it's tried.
I prefer Tory.

Labour are a bunch of crap. Destroyed the state of Britian of which I am only half of. I used to be proud to be half British, but labour have truely truely ballzed it all up.

Tory capitalism makes much more sense; I'm aware it appears thi way on paper, and in reality things pan out differently, but even on paper the Labour policies are just crap.

The British are a declining state because of Labour.

All the Best
Would you prefer to be eaten by a lion called Leo or by a lion called Cleo?

Capitalism, with all its faults, is here to stay. It doesn't work very well, but it kills fewer people than the alternatives on offer. I've seen successive Conservative and Labour Governments ride on the back of capitalism and then get the blame when it goes wrong.