I struggle to read and have only read sixty books in my adult life. I hate


New member
Mar 19, 2009
myself for it. Am I being stupid? I'm 21, and I've only read around sixty books in my adult life. I totally see the value of reading, and when I'm able to motivate myself and concentrate, I'm okay (I did really well at school and I'm at university studying law, so it's obviously not as if I don't have potential). However, the problem is that for the past few years I've been suffering from depression and anxiety problems, and as a consequence I find it very difficult to concentrate on certain tasks. Reading is one of these. What makes the situation even worse is that when I do read, I'm constantly reminded of how inferior I am, how well-read everyone else my age is in comparison to me.

The books I have read (and I'm excluding from the list school textbooks and the childrens and young adults stuff I read at school) are almost invariably highbrow, but still, I hate not being able to do something which I know is so worthwhile, and I hate the self-loathing which I experience as a result.

Am I right to feel these things?
I don't think so, I think you just need some more self belief. If you are really anxious about reading perhaps you should try reading out loud when you're pronunciation of can practice your pronunciation of words; this will boost your reading ability especially if you have to read out loud. You're 21 and it's way too early to start degrading yourself for your lack of self confidence in reading.

Just because you can't read as well as some others doesn't mean your reading is below every ones, from how you appear to write I'd say you were above average when it comes to reading and writing. I know people who are 21 too and I don't think they've ever read anything other than Harry Potter books, but that doesn't keep them down. I believe you should just take a step back and stop worrying about the little things in life like reading and just enjoy everything else that you're good at. Writing could well be one of your strengths ;).
you're being way too hard on yourself. so you're not one of life's great readers - so what? there's probably plenty of things you can do that others wished they had more motivation in. take me, for example. i read every day. i can't stay away from books, they're my lifeline. but, in loving books so much, i have turned into the worst housekeeper of all time. my washing has been drying on the line for two weeks because i can't be bothered to take it in. the house is a pigsty which really depresses me. but i have no motivation to sort it out. i'd rather read!
WOW really how weird of a concern is that? Wait till you have kids, you be lucky to read the directions on your tylenol bottle lol
Don't worry about it. Just concentrate on finishing law school first. If you are very depressed, don't force yourself to do things you don't want to do. You will have ample time to read many books yet--60 or so years with average life expectancy.
i strongly suspect that your life has been too busy, but can i suggest that if you feel you would like to read, and it is very relaxing, you should start with, fantasy and science fiction, like terry brooks, or david eddings, they are fun to read, and reading is fun. i do not know why you are suffering from anxiety etc, but, from my point of view, reading is a personal thing, so read what you like and enjoy it, it does not matter what anyone else thinks, its a personal thing. the other thing i have to say is what is well read, just take a couple of steps back and think of what you have accomplished in your life.
what ever. I think 60 books is a good amount. You cant just spend your life sitting around reading books. do things that make you happy.
You are already so much better than most people here. So many have never read a book, have no desire to learn or better themselves. You should feel good for feeling bad, if that makes sense!