? Gurls only!! ? : When did you first start ur period?

..im 14 and still havent started it yet.
Idk if thats bad or not. =[
...i kno how to spell girls...lol
i just spell "girls" like "gurls" whats the bd??
16 is normal? Whoa---
im fine!! I thought i was a freak. hah=]
i was around 13 or 14. I think it was the summer after my 8th grade year.
Don't worry about it.
I started at 13 just before my birthday. Your body is on it's own time clock so it can come pretty Much whenever it wants. If it worries you, you can always check with your pediatrician or OBGYN
i was 11
but i know a girl who didnt get it til she was 21!
it ranges from 9 to 16 about, so dont worry about it
your doctor usually asks about it when u get a physical so if he doesnt comment, theres most likely nothing to worry about

Be glad u dont have to deal with that shit !!
i started then stopped when i lost a load of weight and still havent started again, but i dont mind cos when i did have it, it was a right nuisance!
I had it when I was 12. Don't really worry about it. I'm fourteen now and its not that exciting. Nothing really happens besides a bunch of blood. No fun in it, don't be sad, its just a waste of time. The more you worry the faster it comes, and BELIEVE me you don't want that.

plus i was sleeping over at my bffs house, i woke up and it was there and the next day i was starting my first day of school of 7th grade!!!!!!
I started when i was 12 , 14 is fine , 17 and under is fine everyones bodys different
i was 13 but you dont have to worry about not getting your period until you are 17! :) consider yourself lucky
I was 9. But that was way earlier than normal. Some girls don't start until they're 19! You're normal. :)
I was 9. Almost 10
But, Im a freak I guess.

Girls are all different. Some start early some later.
Dont freak. Enjoy it while it lasts! You will get it soon enough
i got mine when i was 12 but every one is different it will come. ;] Its not bad because your considered normal if u get it between the ages of 11 to 16.
I was about your age when I started. There's a funny story behind that. My cousin/best friend started when she was 9 and kept it a secret from me! So I ended up finding out and I was insanely jealous (she's one year YOUNGER than me). One night, on a school night I stayed over at her house, and she was having her period and I watched her put on her pad (yeah we were close and open like that lol) and I wanted to try one out too, just to see what it felt like. So I wore one, and totally forgot it was there, went to school the next morning and felt kinda ooky down there, went to the bathroom, and there it was! My first period on my pad!
I started 2 months after I turned 12. But don't worry! That's not bad at all. My cousin was almost 16!
It was in the summer when I was 12 years old. I had bad cramps right from the start. Your period will come when it will come, its a personal thing. Another factor may be when your mum had it, check with her. If she had it late, chances are you will too! Hope I helped and just relax! Enjoy not having the terrible cramps.
I started my period November 13, 2008.
Last year..
And I am turning 13.

Don't worry you will get it soon.
Girls Develop at different stages.
i started 2 weeks b4 i ended sophomore year. i think i was 13 or 14... im not sure how old i was. i just noe that if most the ppl is 14 then i was 13. i was the youngest person in my grade coz i started a year early... o and also i heard u usually start ur period about 2 years after ur breast develop or wen ur at about 100 pounds.