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  1. #11


    I tried this and it did not work!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #12

    Ughh EnV 2

    Hey everyone, I've had my phone since last december. It used to shut off all the time and I thought it was because it was in my front pocket and i would accidentally press against something and it would turn off. Only in the past few months has it gotten to the point of unbearable because not only does it turn off in the middle of texts, it will also turn off in the middle of calls or even when I'm not doing anything at all (been late for class twice because I rely on the cell phone alarm.) I called verizon and they told me it's probably a memory issue so I erased all my photos and texts and it still continues. Can someone help me fix this without having to get a new phone.


  3. #13
    Thanks so much for posting. Mine was doing this, so I tried what you suggested and we'll see!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis man View Post
    i have an enV2 and it sometimes shuts off by itself. i know its not by accidental button pushing because it turns off even when its just on my desk. it used to happen like once every now and then, but now its like 2-3 times a day. i know a couple other people with the same phone but they dont have this problem. why? any ideas? thanks

    Mine has been shutting off frequently over the last several weeks. I just discovered today that it is b/c the battery moves in its spot. If I press down even lightly on the battery compartment, the battery itself moves just a fraction of an inch, which somehow disconnects the battery. I am going to take it in to the store to see what can be done.

  5. #15

    Headphones Same Problem

    Same problem as everyone else. This is the first day I've been having this problem and it turned off more than 5 times already. I'm really upset with this because I got this phone in Summer 08. I don't have that 1 year warranty and I don't really want to pay for a new phone that could have the same problem in a year. I really like this phone but with this problem, it sucks. Any ideas or suggestions?

  6. #16

    enV2 shutting itself off

    My phone does the same thing. My phone will just shut itself off right in the middle of a text message or even if it is just sitting in my pocket or sitting on my desk. It's so annoying. I went to the Verizon store and they said that they could install a free update and then the problem would be fixed after that. Problem is, it's been about a two weeks since I got the update and i'm almost certain it does it more often now. It was fine for the first day after I got the update but it just went totally downhill from there.
    I would go and get a new phone but my contract doesn't expire for another 5 months.


  7. #17

    envy 2

    I read everyones problem and the one solution listed, it sounds like one person said they tried the battery loose tightening it as a solution, batteries are sensative when you get your phone to be on correctly hold the battery as tight as you can and try usng the phone, i rember taping one phone a dropped several times in place, if everyone responsed back i bet everyone of us dropped are phone at least one time and it loosed the battery, if you get a new envy 2 from the store and brand new it still turns off then i agree phone sucks email me if anyone wants to work together to figure this out [email protected]

  8. #18
    A Verizon rep told me it's either the battery issue or it's an issue when Verizon recycles its network. Either way he upgraded me to the ENV3

  9. #19
    i know this thread is kinda old, but I just wanted to say that the method the guy mentioned on page one worked perfectly for me. My phones not cutting off at all now..

    With your battery still in your phone, push down on the bottom of the battery. If you can feel it pushing farther in, and then coming back out slightly as you let off pressure, than this means the battery isn't getting enough contact with the gold prongs. Using the business card method he mentioned earlier, it forces the battery farther onto the golden prongs and doesn't have any "play" left between the battery and the back of the phone.. Hope this helped.

  10. #20

    So far so good!

    I think it may be working I've got 10 minutes now, and it wouldn't even stay on before. Seems like great advice-thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Hi all...
    This was happening to me with my env2 but a friend helped me fix the problem, which is caused by bad contact between the battery and the phone.

    Remove the battery from the back.

    At the bottom of the recess in which the battery sits are the 4 gold contacts.

    First, clean these contacts with a pencil eraser and be sure to clear any eraser leavings fromt he recess.

    At the top end of the recess (opposite the gold contacts) you'll see the holes where the posts from the battery pack insert.
    For this next part, you'll need a business card or some paper. I've found that a double-layer (single fold) of business card works, so probably a triple or quadruple-layer of paper will do as well. Cut the card such that it is just short enough to fit lengthwise between the post-holes, and wide enough that when folded lengthwise it will fit into the recess. Position the folded piece against the top "wall" of the recess between the post-holes and then insert your battery.

    The card/paper pushes the battery downward just enough to make solid connection with the gold contacts. I did this about a month ago, and the phone has never sinced turned off on its own (it was doing it a few times a day prior to that).

    Good luck!

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