How long after removing a nicotine patch, can I smoke agian?


May 23, 2008
The patch was 21 mg, and my friend and I want to smoke a mini cigar. Does anyone know how long to wait to safely smoke?
A nicotine patch is a transdermal patch that releases nicotine into the body through the skin. It is usually used as a method to quit smoking. The first patch appeared in 1993.

Nicotine patches come in several dosages, for example, 21, 14, and 7 mg, so that users can phase out nicotine use. A cigarette delivers roughly 1 mg of nicotine, so someone who used to smoke a pack (20 cigarettes) per day or more could start with the "Step I" 21 mg patch, while someone who smoked less could start with "Step II". After several weeks at step I (6 is recommended), new non-smokers move on to step II (usually two weeks) and step III (two weeks)

Do not go for smoking once u left it
from what I know you can smoke for one day while on the patch