LGBT : When did you realize that you were Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transsexual?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I've been wondering what time is more common
I knew I liked boys pretty much my whole life or since I was 5 but didnt know what it was called,
and my sister realized she was lesbian right before college
These sort of questions keep popping up. :p
Anyways, i realized when i was around 11 years old I think. Dunno what it was that triggered it. It just happened P: *lousy at remembering things*
Btw, it sounds nice to have a sister who is lesbian (like, understanding) :D
uh i was in 7th grade.. so like 13? but i was practically in love with a girl in 6th grade.. weird that i didnt realize it until later haha.
I first showed the signs as a toddler but knew that I was a girl and acted and tried to dress the part by 3 yrs. Old. This is pretty much the story for all real transsexuals.