Hydrocodone headache?


May 26, 2008
It sounds wierd since it is used to help pain...but sometimes hydrocodone has given me a headache.
I had a tooth pulled yesterday afternoon and I didn't take any of the pills the dentist gave me because I just came home and went to bed. I woke up with my the tooth (or the hole where the tooth used to be) hurting really bad...so I took 2 (it says take one or 2 every 4 hours) I got really loopy and it made the tooth-hole feel better...but now (like other times I have had too much, I guess that's why) I have a terrible, terrbile headache. I was nauseous, but that is better. Now my head is just pounding, and I'm worried because I have had this happen before and it gets worse as the hours to go...I might wake up tomorrow with it hurting so bad it makes me sick!
I know I am not allergic to it...I have had it before without any problems...this only happens sometimes.
Is there anything at all I can do to help the headache??? Please? For the love of freakin goodness?