Static and Dynamic Characters.?



OK. I am doing a report on The Golden Compass. I have to make a list of main characters. Then I have to identify each character as dynamic or static (and explain). Please explain using examples from the book or something. The following characters are the characters I chose:
Lyra, Mrs. Coulter, Lord Asriel, Iorek Byrnison, Farder Coram, and John Faa. I need details. PLEASE HELP!
Dynamic characters are characters who go through major change through the course of a story. Often this change is integral to the plot. For example, Iorek changes his perspective on people during the course of the book, which is important because he helps Lyra a lot. However, Mrs. Coulter doesn't change a lot - even though a lot happens, she is essentially the same person she was in the beginning of the novel - which makes her a static character.
Well a dynamic character is one who changed during the book, and a static character is one who stayed constant throughout the book. I personally havent read The Golden Compass, so I guess Im not really of help to you