phone carrier problem...t-mobile/verizon?


Active member
May 12, 2008
okay so, I have verizon right now, but I want t-mobile but all of my friends that I text and talk to have verizon,I think it would cost them money if i text them and stuff but I really want a sidekick by t- mobile so I dont know what to do....any suggestions?
to be more specific it would cost my friends money with texting if I had t-mobile and they had verizon
Eh never liked verizon because of their plans their expensive. But yeah...i doubt it it will cost your friends if you text them. Text msg's from Verizon go up to 5000 from what i remember and tehirs no unlimited so you'd get unlimited.
I say WAIT OUT on the sidekick theirs a new one comming out soon
Sidekick 3G
i'd say hold up or look for info on it.
If you have unlimited text, it goes for all texts from all carriers. With talking, you would use a lot more minutes because you wouldn't get the "mobile to mobile" available between you and your friends now because you are all on the same carrier. Verizon does have some great phones, though. I particularly like the LG Voyager. In my opinion, its better than the sidekick! :) Good luck