When you were in school did you have internet and cell access?


May 14, 2008
Because I am only 23 and I know that when I was in school we only sometimes had the internet and it was dial up so we weren't allowed to use it until after 8:00 pm and only if my mother wasn't using the phone. And we did not have cell phones we had calculators! Now my little brother cheats on his tests using his cell to conect to the internet and find answers! And they text answers! And they just go home and get on Y/A and ask there homework questions!? Does anyone else remember "back in the day" when you went to the library and checked out a book to gather your info?!?!?!
Al Gore had not invented the internet yet, way back then.

And no cell phones, or even calculators, either.

Just a set of encyclopedias.

How many of you have ever heard of a slide rule?

I'm 42. There was no internet in those days- We actually had to read books!
Only rich people had cell phones, which were the size of bricks. We also couldn't use calculators in math class, unless you were in really advanced trig or calculus.
We survived despite the fact that our parents couldn't get hold of us every second of every day, and didn't have GPS tracking on our butts.
I miss those days.
Yeah, I remember when you could choose between Windows and Dos? Does anyone else remember Dos? and there really wasn't much to do on the internet anyhow. If you picked up the phone you were kicked off. We used encyclopedias and there was no such think as wikipedia. And I remember going to the Library and using a Card Catalog?
yes i remember........aaahhhh..........that was a good time back then. and nobody cheated they either failed or passed. and everyone knew why.
I MISS the days when you had to go to the library and look stuff up...and no, there were no personal computers when I was in school. They were a luxury when I was in college. I know kids would never believe it, but I managed to get by without a cell phone or computer, and I was very happy. No wonder they're all so bored now. They have no idea what it's really like to "entertain yourself" without the assistance of electronics. Except for stereos. My stereo rocked!
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Back in the day.....
Lemme figure this out....
I was 13 when you were born, and the CD player had just come out.
What would eventually become the cell phone was the size of a shoe box (and people STILL carried them like a status symbol)
and I got my info on microfiche when I went to the library...and yes, books.

And no, my hair isn't really grey
lol, no, we had no computers in school, and phones still had cords attached!
In grade 12 there was a big hulaballoo about whether to allow or ban calculators for tests, because some students had them and some didn't...
People miss out on a lot once they cease to flip through pages and go straight to the answer...
no internet or cell phones or computers...personal computers were new on the scene when i was in school and were not really owned by individuals, they were used by some businesses and in college you could use one at the library or in a computer lab. that was when floppy discs were actually floppy and windows didn't exist. a 10-20 megabyte hard drive was fairly large and would run most programs. i used a typewriter for term papers. we were not allowed calculators in math classes. i graduated high school in 1978
No, I didn't have internet access or a mobile phone, when I went to school in the 80s.
Well, I'm only 18, but I do remember when a page that loaded in five minutes was like "the thing" on the internet because it was "fast". And cell phones could be called primitive to what they are called today.
When I was in school it was long before the internet and cell phones existed!! (Okay, I think cell phones were just coming out but nobody had them and those that did, it was a big brick of a thing) I think the internet came out a couple of years after I graduated high school
I'm only eighteen but we were only allowed to use the internet for assignments at the library or the computer lab...

As for texting, everyone always did it at my school but the teachers made sure we didn't use them during tests...

When i started school we had those apple and acorn computers and played Piccadilly pairs lol. But in high school we had Internet, SLOW Internet.