Are'nt you sick and tired of all those ____ spreading rumors about Obama...


New member
Feb 15, 2008
...Being a Muslim? Can't he sue someone for Libel or Slander, did'nt he go to law school?
Opponents of Obama continue to spread rumors that he is a Muslim. They hope that they will find people stupid enough to believe it but they won't. I've done a quick survey and currently everyone has heard that bull and no one believes it. Even the retards who continue to post the list of Clintonian Lies about Obama don't believe it.
yes I'm sick of it but thank Allah most people are too intelligent to feed into that. The people who do believe it just want a reason not to vote for him and wouldn't have voted for anyway even without the lies. It's not bad to be Muslim. We are not at war with Muslims. We are at war with Iraq, who didn't attack us and didn't have WMD's. The people who attacked us were radicals in their faith. Radicals in any faith can be dangerous
I'm sick of the whole religious aspect of his campaign, it will be difficult for me to vote for someone as leader of our country, when he won't even say the pledge of allegiance to our flag. How is he going to take an oath of office as the leader of our nation?
I'd rather have another Republican in there, than have a man who won't honor our flag or our country.
I'll probably vote for Hillary.
I'm sick and tired. He can't sue anyone because he is a public figure. Public figure go through that all the times. It comes with the territory. That is what my dad say. My dad is a lawyer.
Yes, but people will be people. And they are apparently just a small percentage that are naive enough to believe it because it is having no impact on his campaign. Haters will be haters!

And there's nothing wrong with being Muslim, the problem is they are lying trying to deter people. But thankfully most people are educated enough to do their own research.
It is ridicculous. I think itis actually embarassing. Picture the type of people who think that crap up. They probably thought it up sitting on their porch in the middle of the boonies, with their inbred, redneck, hillbilly cousin pulling up in the driveway with his coon hound, teeth missing hung over from a night out at the "honky tonk"....I mean for real, who the heck are these people. What a Joke.
Personally I dont care what he is, so long as its NOT the Pres of the US!!

And in regards to the awful rumors...dont you just hate when the truth gets out?
Yes, I am so very tired of seeing those questions. Especially when you know that the people asking the questions know darned well that they are a pack of lies.
Um. . . Um. . .

If being called a MUSLIM is slander, then so should being called CHRISTIAN, or CATHOLIC, or JEWISH.
Well, the muslims sure like him. And that's not a lie!

If Obama rejects the Rev. Wright’s warped view of this country, why does he continue to attend his racist church? IF Obama is not a racist, then explain why he attends a church that supports people like Louis Farrakhan, who is a muslim?

"...he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE..." Proving how uncaring and thoughtless the liberals are about holding such an office in our country. It also proves what he really thinks about it as well. That's the different between Republicans and democrats. Take note: This was in Time magazine and was taken 9/16/07. It say so in the article. (Below)

This statement comes from an article about Obama's pastor, his church and one of his buddies, Louis Farrakhan .

"Wright has long been a supporter of Farrakhan, whom he helped organize the Million Man March in Washington in 1995. Farrakhan has repeatedly targeted Jews, whites, America, and homosexuals with hate-filled statements.

He has called whites “blue-eyed devils” and the “anti-Christ.” He has described Jews as “bloodsuckers” who control the government, the media and some black organizations."
Once someone lacks the evidence to win with the issues all they can do is attack.