att quickfire and other questions?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
great question, i actually got my quickfire on an upgrade in february, so this is news to me. It might be due to the fact that they had to redo the charger, because some dolts out there were putting the thing in backwards and it ended up overheating the phone - there are a few design flaws (the touch screen is a bit testy.) good luck
does anyone know where i can purchase the ATT quickfire with an upgrade? ive went to my ATT place and radioshack, for some reason the quickfire isnt being sold anymore? it got taken off the att site to, so if anyone knows a site where i can upgrade to the quickfire let me know, and why did the phone get discountinued? are they gonna make new quickfires?

and also, does anybody know rumors of any new messaging phones coming out for ATT soon?