Hunters do questions like the following ring a bell?


Feb 13, 2008
“How can I make my airsoft more powerful for bear hunting?”

“Is there a .600 nitro express derringer?”

“Can I find a place to attack deer with a knife?”

“Where can I find a 578-70 HH magnum pistol?”

The cylinder is stuck on my Glock, help?

Can I hammer on bullets and live rounds on concrete?

Will guns go off by themselves?

How can I kill rabbits with sharp sticks?

Why does Kixx cereal look like rabbit dung? And they have a rabbit on the box?

“I cant get the magazine to go into my revolver?”

" Can it hurt much to be shot?"
They are ridiculous, just like so many others similar to them that we get here all the time.
So no bells rang at all for you Josh T? Ok.