Will xanax interact with my daily Adderall dosage?


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Other than the appears to be common sense answer "they will cancel eachother out." what interactions would xanax have on my adderall? More specifically is there any chemical interactions? (I.E. acetaminophen when taken with adderall can make your heart race) interactions like that, or any negative effects on my body for mixing uppers and downers. PLEASE be specific, and I DO take adderall for a legit reason. But it causes me a great deal of anxiety. I do not want to stop taking the adderall because it has done wonders for me with school, work, etc. Also I was thinking a low dose just to handle the anxiety, not to abuse and take everyday and get high. Any SPECIFIC help or answers to any of these questions would be GREATLY appreciated.