White Van Speaker Scam, STFO, Huge Cash, Speakermen?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
This is going to go out to all the guys out there Slamming sets like its cool...... I worked as a Speakerman for YEARS I was really good too. But then a guy showed me the light....... I took all the Buy in that I had saved up for speaker sets and I bought this new product... In my first week I made $2,800 and I didn't even leave My house. I just used the skills I learned from selling speakers and I applied them to selling this Shit on Craigslist. I killed it. now I sell on eBay and I am no joke making close to $5,200 a week. Not even playing around. Fuck selling speakers. I make more money with half the work and everyone wants this stuff. if you want more info on how to really step it up and start Making some REAL money. Email this guy at....> [email protected] <....... tell him that House sent you and you'll get all the dirty nasty info there (can't really post it all in this post). Until then "Be cool SLAM a fool!" and STFO I'm out......>