Unanswered questions about the Caylee Anthony murder case?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I have a few questions about this case. If Casey really did murder her child, there are some things that I don't understand. First of all, why would she post all those party pictures of herself in early July? Why did she abandon her own car in such a public place and leave her purse in it in mid-July? Who watched Caylee while she was partying the previous two years? If she had a month to come up with a story, why would she make up a story with so many holes in it? Why would Casey use duct tape around her own daughter's mouth?

Okay, so obviously the evidence points strongly to Casey Anthony, the child's mother, as suspect #1. Does anyone think it is possible that someone else did it? What if, someone really did take her, but said they were going to give her back, and she just trusted that they would give her back. Could that be why she went out partying anyways, and didn't report her missing, because she was enjoying the break of not having to take care of her daughter? What if, during that time, they started threatening her that if she told the police before a certain time, they would kill her daughter? What if they really did write to her through her myspace account like she said they did? What if, they took her car with Caylee in it, killed her, and buried her nearby Casey's home, setting Casey up as the killer? Is it possible that the person is still threatening the Anthony family somehow? I really don't think this is what happened, but I think anything is possible. Things are often not what they seem, and there is just too much that doesn't make sense about this whole case.
Casey Anthony is a pathological liar. Her parents admit that. She's also a thief. She stole her friend's checks and used them to buy the clothes that she was wearing when she was arraigned.

She was lying about the babysitter and about her job. I think that some people can kill and pretend that nothing happened. She opted not to have the funeral shown to her on TV in jail.

She's nuts.