Konica Minolta to bring smart document management system to New Zealand


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Jun 6, 2008
Konica Minolta to bring smart document management system to New Zealand

Posted on 13-May-2013 16:49. |
Filed under: News :*Computing.

DocRecord, a fully electronic advanced document and content management system that has proven a hit with companies in Europe, Canada and the United States, is set to land in the New Zealand market, through a partnership with Konica Minolta.Optimal document management is an essential business tool, and a high-functioning system such as DocRecord enables companies to access internal documents instantly – it’s like being able to Google within the company’s files. With strong security in place, only approved searchers can access various department documents. Developed by Prism Software Corporation, DocRecord can be adapted to suit any business’ needs, whether for 50 or 5,000 employees.

After reviewing a number of electronic document management systems (EDMS), Konica Minolta decided to partner with the US-based Prism Software Corporation to deliver DocRecord in New Zealand.

Greg Twiname, Konica Minolta’s software solutions channel manager, says the company was highly impressed by the software and its intuitive interface.

“The server provides an automation process to reduce traditional effort associated with coding, naming and filing documents. This feature is not typically found in EDMS solutions, and its inclusion was a key reason for our decision to resell DocRecord.”

DocRecord has two critical features that help companies with document management. Optical character recognition (OCR), in conjunction with the Automation Server, reduces the effort associated with document coding, making inputting documents an easy process, and retrieval is simple thanks to an intelligent search using key words and an index field. Documents can be accessed from a user’s desktop, or online via the web interface.

DocRecord is easy to install and simple to use. It has a pricing model that works on a base system that is combined with the required processing modules and the number of concurrent people accessing the system.

Today’s businesses no longer find it practical or cost-effective to manually file and retrieve paper documents, Mr Twiname says, noting that electronic document management saves money and greatly improves efficiencies by automatically filing, routing and workflowing documents that can be instantly retrieved. “DocRecord enables knowledge sharing across your entire organisation business irrespective of physical location”.

The two companies are looking forward to partnership in New Zealand following a successful business relationship in the US. David Ayres, the CEO of Prism Software, says, “The combination of DocRecord and Konica Minolta multi-functional devices provides a powerful and affordable solution for electronic document automation and workflow that works for a wide range of companies, industries, and departments.”

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