Yahoo! New Zealand notifying users about account deactivation


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Yahoo! New Zealand notifying users about account deactivation

Posted on 2-Jul-2013 14:43. |
Filed under: News :*SaaS.

Yahoo! New Zealand today announced that it has commenced notifying New Zealand users who have not signed into their Yahoo! accounts in the past 12 months to do so before July 15 to prevent having their account deactivated.New Zealand users have been contacted in multiple ways – including a ‘We want you back’ message to their email accounts, their alternate email addresses and by text message to the users’ mobile phone number where provided.

User who receive this notification from Yahoo! should notice this is not a phishing email. Phishing emails are those specially designed to lure the user to a fake website to collect login information including username and passwords.

Those Yahoo! ids will be later recycled allowing users to change to a more memorable id. From July 15, 2013 anyone can have a shot at scoring the ID they want. In mid August, users who staked a claim on certain IDs will discover if they've received a new ID.

The move has raised concerns in some circles, including a piece on Wired magazine where the author Mat honan says "It means that people will be able to claim Yahoo IDs and use them to take over other people’s identities via password resets and other methods." Mat knows about these types of exploits, he himself a famous victim of a case where all of his Apple devices were reset after someone used a little of social engineering to takeover his multiple email accounts and ultimately gain access to his Apple account.

Yahoo! Xtra accounts are not impacted by the campaign. However, Yahoo! Xtra users may receive an email regarding their account if they have listed their Yahoo! Xtra email as their back-up method of contact.

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