Samsung's ST1000 Camera First With WiFi, Bluetooth And GPS Trifecta [Digital Cameras]


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Jun 6, 2008
Samsung has introduced what they are calling the world's "first multi-wireless compact camera" in the 12.2 MP ST1000. In addition to it's 3.5" touch screen LCD, the ST1000 features WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS geotagging built-in.

Other features include a 5x zoom, HD video recording (1280x720p), ISO 4800 sensitivity and a Smart Gesture UI that allows you to access key functionality with a simple tap or hand gesture. Plus, that UI should be pretty crisp on a 3.5" LCD that packs in an industry-leading 1,152k pixels.

An exact price and release date has yet to be announced, but rumors over the last few days have put this all-in-one camera around the $600 mark. The good news is that for a fraction of that cost you could add much of this wireless functionality to an existing camera with an Eye-Fi SD card. [DPReview]
