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Type: Posts; User: JimD

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  1. Replies

    that's not a question that can be answered, I'm...

    that's not a question that can be answered, I'm sure any gym would be a good start, my roommate does it, so I know a tad bit, but not much. You sorta have to just go to a good gym and train and train...
  2. Replies

    Magic pen, definately.

    Magic pen, definately.
  3. Replies

    most people say between 80-100k. This is fairly...

    most people say between 80-100k. This is fairly important because the TDI is an interference engine meaning if the belt breaks there is a pretty good chance a valve is gonna make contact with a...
  4. Replies

    How do I download Flash on my iPhone?

    I tried to watch a video from a friends My Space page but I had to download Flash first but I received an error when I tried to download it. The error said "Download Failed. Safari cannot download...
  5. What do I need to do to get my iPhone to use my hotmail?

    After i put in my email address and password it says = "A Windows Live Hotmail Plus subscription is required to use Hotmail accounts with Mail. Visit for details. You...
  6. What is the minimum age to go to UFC 95 in London?

    I'm 17 and need to buy a ticket very soon, but not sure if I'm old enough to go...
  7. Replies

    Problem with car stereo.?

    I have a 2006 Ford E-250 work van. The last week or so the sound has been cutting in and out. Sometimes it will hear sound for a half hour or more. Sometimes just for a few minutes or a few...
  8. What tool is needed to remove the rear brake caliper on a 2005hd chevy silverado?

    Just wondering if it a star bit or some special wrench. I have tried metric and sae allen wrenches . any help will be appreciated
  9. Yes especially if there is a direct short. They...

    Yes especially if there is a direct short. They aren't very hard to change. There is an upper one and a lower one. They just screw out, you may need a special tool though, then just screw the new...
  10. Replies

    Question about Playstation 3?

    I would like to purchase a Playstation 3 80 gb version and hook it up to my hd tv. My questions are...

    Do you have to use an hdmi cable to get a hd picture or can you use componant cables?
  11. How much is car insurance for older muscle cars?

    I heard that car insurance is pretty expensive for older muscle cars, and I'd like to know around how much a month car insurance would be for a 1968 ford mustang?
  12. Replies

    Ball Python Help (feeding)?

    My ball python is around 2 feet, and a couple inches. I'm not sure it's age because it was sort of found. I had been feeding it a normal sized mouse, around every 10 days, but then it got into its...
  13. Replies

    Rim Blackberry Storm 9530?

    When does this phone come out?
  14. Replies

    2000 Dodge Durango?????

    What kind of rear fluid does it take?
  15. How to make easy, quick money off the internet?

    what are the sites that you can like fill out some sheet then send you a check or something? what are the sites
    and im almost 14 and i have a good reason to be asking this
  16. Replies

    What is the price of 4.3" GPS Bluetooth+FM ?

    What is the price of 4.3" Bluetooth GPS now,I buy a 4.3-inch car GPS with Bluetooth+FM from ,costing $ it expensive? thanks!
  17. Who Here Notices That Most A-List Hollywood Stars Have Blue Eyes ?

    Blue eyes seems to be a formula for success in Hollywood.

    Tom Cruise, Leonardo DicCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr., Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, Reese Witherspoon,...
  18. You already assume freedoms you do not have; you...

    You already assume freedoms you do not have; you badger innocent people with your simplistic dogma. Nothing happens to you.

    What do you want now? the ability to burn them at the state?

    Jaysus !...
  19. You already assume freedoms you do not have; you...

    You already assume freedoms you do not have; you badger innocent people with your simplistic dogma. Nothing happens to you.

    What do you want now? the ability to burn them at the state?

    Jaysus !...
  20. They are used to it. Anyway it's only...

    They are used to it.

    Anyway it's only christian fundies who hate other religions and pretty much everybody knows about them.

    Well Shi'ia muslims do but who wants to be compared to that bunch?
  21. Thread: Water toxicity?

    by JimD

    Water toxicity?

    why will drinking too much water cause bade side effects- like light headedness and death?

    It doesn't make any sense. Isn't it just water?

    Is there anything you can drink a lot of without it...
Results 1 to 21 of 21
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