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Type: Posts; User: sunset

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  1. Replies

    For true sound reproduction it's never good to...

    For true sound reproduction it's never good to use y cables as it changes the input impedance to both amplifiers and also lowers the impedance that the card sees on it's output.

    However for most...
  2. Of course Harry Potter.Some others like the Tears...

    Of course Harry Potter.Some others like the Tears Of A Tiger Series,The Clique Series (maybe)
    That's all I can think of...sorry!
  3. Replies

    Over time laser pick-up assemblies degrade and...

    Over time laser pick-up assemblies degrade and the bass kick could be enough to unsettle the slowly degrading laser unit from tracking correctly.
    Try another head unit to cancel this out of the...
  4. go to LA and find a star, become friend.. really...

    go to LA and find a star, become friend.. really good friend then that friend will take you to Hollywood and introduce you to all the head ppl.

    well my best friend did this... she became a model...
  5. go to LA and find a star, become friend.. really...

    go to LA and find a star, become friend.. really good friend then that friend will take you to Hollywood and introduce you to all the head ppl.

    well my best friend did this... she became a model...
  6. They are just being deceived by the devil...

    They are just being deceived by the devil himself.
    Satan is keeping the blind blinded!
  7. I was just checking my drivers licenses the other...

    I was just checking my drivers licenses the other night and this is the year they expire.
  8. Yes, he has written several books on it.They have...

    Yes, he has written several books on it.They have never
    been proved wrong.
  9. Morals can be had by anyone.They can also be...

    Morals can be had by anyone.They can also be temporary.Here today,gone tomorrow.Some morals
    are held because of fear of law of the land.

    Now salvation is God's eternal gift to the believer.
  10. God has a plan for your life.Read John 3:16

    God has a plan for your life.Read John 3:16
  11. Knowing of the trinity doesn't make one a...

    Knowing of the trinity doesn't make one a Christian.
    Jesus indwells in the heart of the true believer.Without his Spirit within,one can never be satisfied or completely whole.They will always be...
  12. how do I tell weather this guy is flirting with me or not and how do I get him to

    notice me? There's this guy at school in the classroom next to me and ive got a crush on him but i don't know if he likes me back. He was the one who started making me laugh and stuff like that...
  13. Do you wish some people would lose their religion?

    So they could be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ,the
    one and only way to heaven.
  14. What's wrong with allowing your children to choose a false religion that will take

    them to hell? Well,I hear some ignorant people say to let their children grow up and choose their own religion.
    This kind of statement shows how little one cares
    about their children's soul.What...
  15. Replies

    idk but u should watch the show anyways cause its...

    idk but u should watch the show anyways cause its the best!!!! or u could just read the book scerise
  16. Replies

    idk but u should watch the show anyways cause its...

    idk but u should watch the show anyways cause its the best!!!! or u could just read the book scerise
  17. God frowns on all sin.All one has to do is take a...

    God frowns on all sin.All one has to do is take a look at Calvary.
  18. You would have to do away with all the people!...

    You would have to do away with all the people!
    Religion will be here until Jesus Christ returns for his saints.I venture to say,even when this event happens.
  19. Read the word of God.This is the measuring stick...

    Read the word of God.This is the measuring stick of true Christianity.
  20. Is there any way to use your ipod music in your iphone as a ringtone?

    So that I won't have to buy any new songs. I just want to be able to use that music as a ringtone.

    please help me!
  21. Can two XLR microphone cables be connected together, (Male to Female) to

    make a longer cable? I know it is possible to connect two mic cables together, but will it effect the balanced properties or signal quality/strength?
Results 1 to 21 of 21
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