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Type: Posts; User: RJ

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  1. how can i stop my email from deleting on the server when i delete the email

    from my cellphone? I ge an email from my yahoo account when i delete the email from the phone it deletes from the yahoo server as well. How can I keep the email on the server?
  2. Replies

    Any tips for travel basketball?

    Ok so i have travel basketball tryouts in a week. I want to know if the competition is really hard. This is my second year playing basketball and i consider myself as an ok player. My strongest...
  3. HOuse ok'd it the first time without the evil...

    HOuse ok'd it the first time without the evil Republicans, then the Senate got to make a big deal and wine about it and even get some serious money and hang with honeys on the weekend. It got...
  4. Whats better? Ares, Limewire, Kazaa, or Bearshare?

    I tried Limewire but it took me hours to get the music on iTunes for my iPod. Can someone tell me what website could be a good replacement?
  5. You have to give me some more info. IS it...

    You have to give me some more info.

    IS it broadband or dialup for instance?
  6. What does Venus In Cancer mean? from the game MGS2?

    In the game for ps2 called "Metal Gear Solid 2", I heard
    this parot say "venus in cancer" then when the girl Emma was sleeping when i shot her with the tranquilizer gun, she said "venus in cancer"....
  7. Replies

    Yes We Can! (Well, it worked for Obama.)

    Yes We Can!

    (Well, it worked for Obama.)
  8. Ladies, what circumference would you consider a "pencil dick"?

    I am just interested in what size (in inches) of circumference (by measuring the girth around around the outside of the penis shaft, not to be confused with a straight line diameter "guestimate"...
  9. Replies

    Got that right, but Kansas is right. The equal...

    Got that right, but Kansas is right. The equal opportunity stuff has gone on long enough. See the person for who they are and put the best person in charge of whatever. Later. By the way I don't...
  10. Replies

    Got that right, but Kansas is right. The equal...

    Got that right, but Kansas is right. The equal opportunity stuff has gone on long enough. See the person for who they are and put the best person in charge of whatever. Later. By the way I don't...
  11. Could this be a Republican conspiracy to swell their ranks?

    With so many losing their jobs, they can only look for jobs a certain amount of the time and will have free time on their hands. This might means millions and millions of more conservative babies. ...
  12. Do you feel the candidates take their religion seriously?

    I have heard nothing from either, other than Sen. Obama leaving Rev. Wrights congregation. In the old days they used to scope that out and show them going to church. Times change?
  13. Which rant do you believe, Obama-2nd Carter term, McCain-3rd Bush term?

    and if you believe this stuff which is worse for us and the country and the world..
    Looks like a split, but i wish they would discuss the issues and stop allowing the media to set the pace.
  14. Which rant do you believe, Obama-2nd Carter term, McCain-3rd Bush term?

    and if you believe this stuff which is worse for us and the country and the world..
    Looks like a split, but i wish they would discuss the issues and stop allowing the media to set the pace.
  15. Let's hope they keep bringing that up and not...

    Let's hope they keep bringing that up and not about the realtor that's going to jail that sold him that land, the former terrorist who had the fund raiser for him, thank goodness he hasn't had to...
  16. Are the rumors that one of the candidates did crack true?

    As far as I am concerned if they did jpot it's not hte end of the world. Coke is another thing as i ahve know some people that could not put it down and ruined theirs and others lifes. If the crack...
  17. Where can I buy CD covers that I can write down the songs. I want to write

    down the track listing.? I do not want to make my own , does any store have them for sure ? I checked wal-mart , target , best buy...... please help...
  18. fluctuating elevated and normal blood pressure?

    my husband 47 yr male with sound family history of hypertension shows very wide fluctuating blood pressure readings. he showed a 126/87 at 6am 151/104 and 137/92 over 2 min gap at 12:30pm and 140/97...
Results 1 to 18 of 18
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