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Type: Posts; User: tt~tmarit~tt

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  1. Replies

    Is there anyone out there?

    i don't like the way you write. and i got bored reading it so i didn't finish...just being honest,
  2. Replies

    help with labor?

    I was induced at 39 weeks and had my daughter at 40 weeks 1 day. They rotated putusin( causes contractions) in the day and cervadill (softens cervix)at night. It was a nightmare! After all that I was...
  3. I'm going to San diego on monday and iwas hoping some of the locals could point me away from touristy spots?

    if I were you I would take a walk down newport avenue in Ocean Beach. All "the locals" love to shop there, and there is a really good restrauntat the waterfront called "shades". Or go to the...
  4. I'm going to San diego on monday and iwas hoping some of the locals could point me away from touristy spots?

    A few beaches I love would be Marine Street in La Jolla or Windansea, Pacific & Mission Beach are more tourists spots with Belmont Park. Ocean Beach is a cool little hippie area(stoner zone), with...
  5. What should I do this April vacation, stuck at home?

    Look for a part time job that will not only take away your boredom but help you with your broke situation.Good Luck enjoy you vacations.
  6. how do i lose 15-20 lbs in about 2 months?

    im like wat 134 lbs and 5'1" and i wanna lose 15-20 lbs in about 2 months 4 summer vacation how do i lose that weightyah and im 14 so i dont no many big words ok im just saingand i go 2 school at...
  7. Replies

    Annoying cough go away!!!?

    are you a smoker?...if you are get an x-ray just in case!...
  8. When your at work , what do you look forward to.?

    i look forward to a stressfree, good flowing work day, then after the first hour... i look forward to leaving work at 4:30pm.
  9. Where should i take my 7 yr old for a summer vacation?

    Where should i take my 7 yr old for a summer vacation?
  10. Is it wrong not to care what happens to my best friend's disrespectful daughter?

    oooh, wow. i agree. i wouldn't cancel my vacation either. I know toooo many people that think the world owes them. it's like reality check bi... you aren't any more special than the next person,...
  11. Replies

    I still do not understand this.?

    the ultrasounds are pretty accurate, just prepare yourself for an early deliveryCongrats!!
  12. Jeffrey Deaver Intro for Frankenstein?

    Would someone tell me what version of Frankenstein Jeffrey Deaver wrote the introduction for? I've looked everywhere.Thanks.
  13. To what extent are 'race', class and gender inequalities inter-related?

    Primitive, unsuccessful, self consuming cultures do not give them selves a chance of advancing. The environment produces them. So they can only go so far, unless they migrate to find better pastures....
  14. Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....?

    You think you're so smart, just because you know things and are able to reason clearly about them. What you seem to have forgotten is that if you didn't know anything and weren't able to reason...
  15. Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    i say they r both even
  16. Question about contagious rat respitory diseases?

    It could have spread from the bed or from the air. I recently lost three rats in a row to a respiratory disease, including a favorite boy named Benjamin.
  17. Replies

    Getting checked at 36 weeks?

    I am 38 weeks and 5 days. When I was 36 I went to my appt and they told me my dr wouldn't start checking me until the following week and I was like ok cool....I went back at 37 weeks and he still...
  18. Replies

    is a brazilian wax worth it?

    Definitely worth it for the trip! And as others have said above, it is quite painful, but it lasts a lot longer.. the hair also doesn't grow in as thick.
  19. Replies

    Do/Did u have .................?

    regular school year with 3 vacations.
  20. Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    well first of all NO!!Get the kids all the time with everyother weekend and holiday hers (she dont want them anyways)and take her for support.. she wants you for a sitter she might as well pay...
  21. Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    Wow this is a rough one. Maybe you should just confront her about it. I mean I guess this happens when things are done behind someone's back. Talk about it and what she has done was wrong having an...
  22. Do you think Hillary make a honest misspoke?

    I think it was honest. I believe she lied. An honest lie.If you have never every been in a sniper fire environment, why would you have a memory of being in one.I never went water skiing. So if I...
  23. Replies

    IP Address Conflict!!?!?

    I have a Laptop and a PS3. It seems when I'm online with the laptop and my boyfriend is online with the PS3, one of us gets kicked. The laptop would lose connection, then the ps3 would lose...
  24. Replies

    PS3 GB information?

    It used a lot of space in gb because like my ps3 I have 80gb and they use 20gb for backup in case of memory lost or damage.So now I have 60gb or 58 gb plus my games
  25. Replies

    which ps3 should i get?

    Currently the PS3 that is readily avaliable in stores is the 40GB, but the 80GB will be coming back in June and it will be bundled with the Dualshock 3 and MGS4 for $499.I recommend the 80GB PS3...
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