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Type: Posts; User: Duisendlpoot

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  1. Replies

    My dogs have been eating grapes with me for years...

    My dogs have been eating grapes with me for years and if i did not give them any they picked it themselves and ate it, nine years later still alive and healthy. I am not saying that it is healthy for...
  2. It was one of the worst Celeb BB i have ever...

    It was one of the worst Celeb BB i have ever seen, hardly watched at all, was not entertaining at all .Not one of them deserved to win. Won't be watching it in future, prefer the normal BB.
  3. Don't worry , you are not missing much. Watched...

    Don't worry , you are not missing much. Watched the first episode and it was hardly exciting. The woman is one huge pain with her [whistling] and throw something [wished that a ghost would throw a...
  4. Brown I'm a celeb Dawn french.

    I'm a celeb
    Dawn french.
  5. Can Latoya sing, did not sound like it to me. Who...

    Can Latoya sing, did not sound like it to me. Who does her singing for her on her cd's. I cannot stand the black man. He is bad-mannered and irritates me.I am not a racist for those who want to jump...
  6. Do you feel sick when you watch the Coco Pops advert on tele?

    I do, it looks revolting, looks like slugs swimming around in dirty water. I would not be able to eat Coco pops again. Do you think they should change the advert and what is your opinion on it.?
  7. You are going to have to wash everything she...

    You are going to have to wash everything she touched with hot water, make sure that you wash your pillow case and if i were you i would change the pillow as well. My daughter had ringworm and it was...
  8. Replies

    Definitely Joe, he is funny and sooo cute. He is...

    Definitely Joe, he is funny and sooo cute. He is British as well. Joe to win specially for wearing that yellow outfit.:)
  9. I read somewhere that they have separated and...

    I read somewhere that they have separated and then got together again then separated etc etc.
    By the way what famous song does Cerys sing, i have never heard of her.:)
  10. Jade Goody has cancer , not very nice referring...

    Jade Goody has cancer , not very nice referring to her.
  11. Replies

    Yes, why are they so badly behaved, do drugs and...

    Yes, why are they so badly behaved, do drugs and feel that Alcohol is the answer to all their problems.
  12. Replies

    I agree with you, these celebs get away with...

    I agree with you, these celebs get away with everything, be it driving without licenses, drinking and driving, doing drugs , frankly the way they are idolised makes me sick. Thank GOD i don't have...
  13. It is quite possible that they were eaten by a...

    It is quite possible that they were eaten by a heron. We had netting that covered our fish-pond but finally gave up as our fish just kept on disappearing.
  14. No, it is good for a person to get away from the...

    No, it is good for a person to get away from the same environment. Helps you relax and forget about all your troubles. Another thing is you see different things, experience different situations as to...
Results 1 to 14 of 15
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