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Type: Posts; User: AimeeB

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  1. They crawled there way there, many sleeping on...

    They crawled there way there, many sleeping on their friends couches trying to make a living in a cuthroat industry.
    Not all of them stay successful, many have to work very very hard to make it in...
  2. There are some at Target and Walmart, I was...

    There are some at Target and Walmart, I was getting husband one for christmas, the one I got him was 100 bucks.
  3. Replies

    YES!! I lost about 20 lbs this way. I wasn't...

    YES!! I lost about 20 lbs this way.
    I wasn't trying to either. I was just escaping my oppressive house. My parents were incredibly strict and very authoritarian ( I couldn't even change the tv...
  4. Replies

    if you have tmobile then just send the pictures...

    if you have tmobile then just send the pictures to 222 and then go online to the tmobile site and you can set up your file there
  5. Replies

    I have a degree in nutrition ?

    but I have about a year before I begin a dietetic internship. What jobs are available that require a bachelor's degree but not require a dietetic internship or registration with the ADA.
  6. is bullshit. A scam. Try talking... is bullshit.
    A scam.

    Try talking to the HOD of your English department - she'll/he'll know.
  7. how do i set a ringtone as my ringer that got sent as a file to my phone...

    ...thru text messaging? My phone is a motorola razor

    it was bought through celltop on axcess web and sent to me thru text message, i cannot get it to become my ringer..plz help!
  8. Go to a university first, they have fashion...

    Go to a university first, they have fashion design classes there too. Majoring in business would be a great idea, especially if the fashion thing doesn't work out.
  9. Because Hollywood has run out of "original" ideas...

    Because Hollywood has run out of "original" ideas for movies.
    Comic books, cartoons, childrens books, remakes, old tv shows, even theme park rides are all that is left to bleed money out of.
  10. Why would ANY Hollywood couple have a reality show when?

    I mean the track record speaks for itself

    Meet the Barkers
    Hogan Knows Best
    Being Bobby Brown
    Till Death do us part

    Each of these 'couple shows' ended with divorce...
  11. Replies

    Help finding holiday in croatia...?

    Can anyone help me and my friends find a villa in croatia...
    There is about 8-10 of us...
    Looking for somewhere quite lively and near the beach
    and want a villa with a pool.

    Can anyone...
  12. Replies

    i have a Motorola razr?

    I have had it for sometime, I just changed out the battery because it was not holding a charge. Now I have a new battery, but I think there is something wrong. I charged it to full power yesterday....
Results 1 to 12 of 12
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