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Type: Posts; User: NJ

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  1. Replies

    Why does my lg optimus l9 p765 have arm v7?

    I saw on the internet and the specs shows it has cortex 9 processsor then why my phone shows different and also it shows P760 board. All these i checked with some.device info software.
  2. Is "What i Like About You" ever going to come back on The N?

    What i like about you used to be on The N everyday at 8, but now that Degrassi is on, it took its place, so now, What i like about you is only on at 2 in the morning!!!!!! Do you know if it will ever...
  3. Is there any websites that i can watch full episodes of WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU?

    I looooooooove "What i like about you" and now they don't play it on "The N" anymore because degrassi took its place. I need a website where i can see full episodes of of "What i like about you" for...
  4. Replies

    Blackberry Storm Questions?

    When does it come out?
    Whats rthe expected price?
    Will T-mobile carry it?
    If not can i get it unlocked for T-mobile?
    (I think the G1 is the dumbest idea and T-mobile will lose business if they...
  5. how long does a real estate agent have a "claim" on a sale?

    if an agent takes the property off their books because either the agreement has run out, or they believe the sellers don't really want to sell etc. how long can they insist a potential buyer is...
  6. Replies

    Should I get the T-Mobile Wing Now?

    I am in the market for a new phone with a full keyboard and I am interested in the Wing. But this phone has been out for a while. Should I get this phone or is T-Mobile releasing new phones soon ?
  7. how to see as well as measure brisbane bike paths?

    i want to ride my bike from gordon park to toombul along a bike path that i know exists. However, i can't find how to measure the distance and time between the two points. I have trawled the google...
  8. One has a foreskin and the other does not.

    One has a foreskin and the other does not.
  9. Well, it can still be there but in lower than...

    Well, it can still be there but in lower than detectable amounts.
  10. Is it normal to complain about your parents to your friends?

    My dad says that other families have problems, but they just keep them contained.

    He calls me stupid, beats me and is always telling me how I something is wrong with my head. However, he does...
Results 1 to 10 of 10
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