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Type: Posts; User: DDD

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  1. What do you suggest to use for rich internet applications with databases? ?

    Strong database connectivity with secure user accounts is of utmost important. The "richness" of the applications is secondary.

    I can write decent interfaces with PHP/DHTML/JavaScript but I am...
  2. Hyundai Sonata belt squeaks only after car is put into gear.. wtf?

    Anyone know why the belt on a vehicle would squeak only after the vehicle is put into gear?

    I just started the car and the belt did not squeak at all. After putting the car into reverse, the...
  3. How cold have you set your thermostat with a cat in the home? ?

    Is 60F too cold?
  4. How can I best insulate my Jeep's computer to keep it cool or heat it up quickly

    to see if that's what ...? I have an electrical problem in my Jeep whenever it warms up. I was thinking it would make sense to either try to keep the computer cool (it's in the engine compartment)...
  5. Replies

    How important is the internet to you? ?


    How old are you?

    What do you do for a living?

    When I ask how important, which of these would say are MORE important than the internet in your daily life:

  6. How many of you think the "internet" and the "web" are the same thing? If so, see...

    ...details... I know Wikipedia isn't fact but you can find thousands of similar references using Google and Yahoo.

    Knowing that, what do you have to say about this:
  7. Do you think the internet and the web are the same thing? Also, what do

    you think of the word "interweb" ? I already know the answer, I am amazed at some of the responses I have received when talking to people about this though.
  8. Does Rolls Royce weld their automobile's engine compartments shut?

    I heard that when a Rolls engine breaks down mechanics arrive in a covert-operative-like manner, quickly break open the engine compartment, fix the problem, weld it shut again, and leave in a "we...
  9. Well, first off I hope you have tried every...

    Well, first off I hope you have tried every possible alternative avenue. Cats do not travel well and my cat howls and cries just from being taken for a car ride (to the vet, etc).

    If you MUST...
  10. Why do people complain about the cost of running window AC units? How much...

    ...did your bill increase? I see people complaining about the cost to run window AC units all day long and I'm wondering why... Yes, it does cost *something* to run them, but how much did you see...
  11. Replies

    What phone should I buy from Sprint?

    Also, if you have one to warn me about, please do so.. tell me what is so bad about it!

    I'd like something that I can use the internet with but I've never heard of this "HTC" company before......
  12. When Whose Line is it Anyways is taped, do the stars get more time than we

    see on TV to think things up? Have you been to a taping of it?

    I'm wondering if, during 'props' for instance, the stars get several seconds or a minute in between ideas to think things up or if...
Results 1 to 12 of 12
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