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Type: Posts; User: BobG

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  1. How come the libs aren't bashing Obama for already taking a vacation?

    They rode Bush hard whenever he did. Obama hasn't even been on the job 1 month and he is already taking vacations on our dime. Where is the outrage? Oh, I get it. It is ok because he is the...
  2. i dont know anything about "supple" but i do know...

    i dont know anything about "supple" but i do know i made a lot of money removing trojans that snuck into peoples' computers with games they downloaded all over the internet.

    so the answer is "yes"...
  3. What kind of telecaster should i get??? 72' custom or 52' hot rod?

    I wana get one with a humbucker so im looking at the 72' custom but its mexican made there's a 52 hot rod reissue american made but its much more expensive, is the hot rod that much better cuz of...
  4. anyone noticed the "unbelievable prices" at circuit city's going out of

    business sale? are not just believable but higher than most other retailers not-on-sale-or-going-under?
    they were actually trying to sell 15" lcd monitors with no special features, not widescreen...
  5. the only reason to buy American cars is that they...

    the only reason to buy American cars is that they are American, that reason alone is why I do. I live 15 blocks from a Chrysler plant. I see how layoffs affect the community.
  6. Replies

    fbi internet harassment questions?

    hi how are you i dont know why this came to mind but a friend of mine got reported for internet harassment apparently my friend and this other person have been going back and forth and have been...
  7. Replies

    the touch

    the touch
  8. Replies

    Medical Assisting or Truck Driving?

    hello, my name is Hector. im 18. ive been in the automotive field. since high school and recently attended UTI a Automotive Trade School. and felt that it wasnt for me. Turning a Hobby that i have i...
  9. what can i use to download music on my computer so i can make a cd?

    im tried using limewire blubster and bear share and my computer lets me down load them but when i search a song nothing comes up. what else can i use?
  10. Replies

    try with windows xp

    try with windows xp
  11. Replies

    try with windows xp

    try with windows xp
  12. Replies

    Want a new puppy but i have a old dog?

    if i get a new puppy and it becomes friends with my 16 year old dog....
    will the puppy become depressed and mourn when he dies? or will it get over it quickley???
  13. Chi, you forget that that the majority of Obama...

    Chi, you forget that that the majority of Obama bumper stickers I see are on Toyotas and such... The argument that they are made here can go both ways... (BMW should never need a tax incentive)
  14. Chi, you forget that that the majority of Obama...

    Chi, you forget that that the majority of Obama bumper stickers I see are on Toyotas and such... The argument that they are made here can go both ways... (BMW should never need a tax incentive)
  15. Unlike the other answers I am not sure that it is...

    Unlike the other answers I am not sure that it is the exhaust as you say that it happens in neutral and not when driving. It could be the AC compressor cuting in and out or a noisy fan doing the same...
  16. Replies

    digital camera's... please help!?!?

    i am looking into buying a digital camera
    i am willing to spend up to 500$
    i don't want it to be very bulky
    and if possible pink :D
    i was looking into the sony DCS-T300 any comments or...
  17. How much screaming will the liberals do if a major recording artist bashes Obama

    I am just noticing how much they freak out when someone justs asks a negative question about him.
  18. Yes, however, I would not be a 'squeaky wheel'...

    Yes, however, I would not be a 'squeaky wheel' about it either.
  19. Replies

    ufc 91 ppv questions?

    hey guys just curious does anybody know if buffalo wild wing resurants show ufc ppvs im looking to go to buffalo wild wings tomorrow which is 5 minutes from my house to to watch ufc 91 and the...
  20. Replies

    ufc 91 live stream question?

    hey guys just wondering does anybody have a link where i can watch a live stream of ufc 91 tomorrow night i really wanna see this ppv the ppv is not worth 45 bucks for one big fight and one weak...
  21. Guitar Hero World Tour or Rock Band 2 for wii?

    Guitar Hero World Tour or Rock Band 2 for wii?
  22. Replies

    It was not a conspiracy. Anyone who says it was...

    It was not a conspiracy. Anyone who says it was is an IDIOT!
  23. How come many of the ultra rich hollywood types would rather donate money to

    other countries poor? If they all kept the money here in the states wouldn't we all be doing a lot better? If our poor had more money and better healthcare due to the private donations of the...
  24. How long do we have to wait before Hollywood starts "spreading the wealth around"?

    I would love to share bank accounts with Cruise. How long do I have to wait? Is Oprah going to start paying my bills? She wants to "spread the wealth around" also?
  25. Should we drop the term "Screaming Liberal" in favor of the term "Screaming

    Conservative"? Y!A seems to have a majority of conservatives, and among them, "screaming" behavior seems quite common indeed.

    Is "Screaming Liberal" an outdated term today in light of this? What...
Results 1 to 25 of 55
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